Amazon pictures not being imported into bonanza's system..!!read!!

I am having this PROBLEM with HUNDREDS of my items, the test will transfer fine from Amazon but without pictures . My daily ebay imports are fine but my Amazon descriptions are there but no pictures. I have asked Bonanza multiple times and they do reply but this is costing me sales. I actually like selling these items here more than THE RIVER because of recurring scam buyers that occur all to regularly on that site. I have a few tickets open, so far nothing. Please help promote this thread, the more exposure the faster the problem will be resolved

asked almost 7 years ago


HammersmithGraphics says: July 30, 2017

did you try importing manually? i dont know a lot about amazon except that i wont touch them with a ten foot pole. maybe if you load the importer manually and only do about 10 or 20 at a time

newporttag says: July 30, 2017

I have same issue with images on my 900+ listings. It now appears the description and traits are also missing. I opened a ticket on 7/25 and received a response that they are having problems obtaining the images and looking into the issue. No updates since 7/25.

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Asked: almost 7 years ago

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