birdhouse inquiry solved

Is wood a better selection than metal or tin?

asked about 14 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth
9 Answers

I have many birdhouses throughout my property made of wood, metal and resin. The local birds have made nests in each type of birdhouse although it seems the wood birdhouses get more action (I guess it depends on the type of bird) The birds will find their own nesting material, twigs, grass, leaves and paper. I would not recommend adding anything in the birdhouse that you choose. They will also find water if you have a water source nearby….maybe adding a birdbath near the birdhouse might help. You might also add a bird feeder near the “house” as well. Good Luck with your new found friends!

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 32
See Cowboy's booth

I just have feeders and the birds just use the trees.

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 387
See wallyh's booth

For the most part the small birds like the sparrows and finches use the bird houses. Most of them prefer the houses made from wood. As far as nesting materials, they find that on there own. Just remember to clean the old nests out of the houses after the season is finished, because the birds will not nest in a house or nest left from the year before

answered about 14 years ago

Thank you

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

The birds love my backyard. I have a tall fountain that they drink out of. They make their nests using twigs in my trees or in my terrace fan lamps. No need for birdhouses here. My birds are very GREEN.

answered about 14 years ago

Hi Montrose,
The birds around my house just nest in the trees and bushes all on their own. I just keep the dogs away from the area that they have built their home in.

answered about 14 years ago

We just get Robins when the migrate, but Blujays and Wood Peckers are here year round, The Jays build twig nests, and the WP’s, drill into our palms at the top where all the soft fuzzy stuff is, we’ve put out houses but no one has used them in all the years they’ve been out.

answered about 14 years ago

I just have a feeders in my backyard and we have birds in all our trees

answered about 14 years ago

I don’t have any bird houses in my yard, but I do have 7 bird feeders and 2 bird baths in my front yard. In back I have 2 feeders for gold finches and a large plant saucer I keep filled with water.
Also if you want to put out some colored yarn about 3 to 4 inches long the birds will use that in there nest don’t make it any longer because the bird might get hung up in it. Then when you take a walk you might see the yarn in there nest. Good luck.

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 14
See cpj920's booth
Question Vitals

Viewed: 4624 times

Asked: about 14 years ago

Latest response: about 14 years ago

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