Drop shippers & blocking buyers

Hi there,
We are new to Bonanza & we are just getting use to everything. Is there a way to block buyers? Also, is drop shipping against the rules?
We are asking because we normally get drop shippers purchasing from us, hence why we try to block some buyers AND we find many times people actually drop shipping OUR products on the same platform and we try to put a stop to it. Thank you for any help you can send our way.

asked over 1 year ago

2 Answers

Yes,drop shippers are allowed.
Here are the instructions for blocking a buyers.

Under the Selling menu, choose Booth Settings Navigate to the Payments & Purchases tab Scroll down to find the Buyer Restrictions section Use the Ignore purchases from these users option to specify one or more users that you’d like to block

answered over 1 year ago

The scamming possibilities of drop shippers using your products can be scary because you don’t have total control of any issues that may come up with the end buyer. You have to consider every possibility of unhappy end buyers and potential scams from the drop shipper. This can be extra scary because of the “live” nature of your items.

Besides blocking them for purchasing your items, here’s an alternative way of dealing with people buying your items for drop shipping…

If a lot of drop shippers are purchasing YOUR items and having you ship to THEIR buyers and they are able to make a profit, then you might want to consider raising your prices. After all, drop shippers are making a profit on your items or they wouldn’t be doing it. That could mean that you may be able to increase your prices across the board so that those potential buyers come directly to you.

It would be worth investigating the listings that those drop shippers have (to sell your products) and checking the prices that they are selling your items for. Then, consider increasing prices somewhere between YOUR current prices and what they are RESELLING your items for.

Whatever you decide to do, make sure to protect yourself and NEVER ship to an alternative address that somebody gives you. The “Ship to” address HAS TO BE on their account in order for YOU to get proper protection against claims. Ignore ANY messages asking you to ship to a different address than what the payment processor indicates is the SHIP TO address.

answered over 1 year ago

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Asked: over 1 year ago

Latest response: over 1 year ago

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