Florida sellers and all in Irma's path, we're thinking and praying for you with this hurricane.

Stay safe and God bless you, friends.


asked over 6 years ago

5 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

We hope everyone that’s been impacted by Irma or any recent natural disasters are all safe and taking care of themselves first. If Bonanza can assist in any way with your accounts while you take care of higher priorities, just send us an email at [email protected] whenever you’re able to and we’ll be happy to help!!!

answered over 6 years ago

1 Comment

EmpressDepot says: September 08, 2017

This is very kind of Bonanza….and yes for other recent disasters such as Texas.

Thinking of all our Bonanza friends that will be, or have been affected by the hurricanes. Stay safe!

Your Bonanza friend,
Kylie from Oklahoma

answered over 6 years ago

Thanks for all the kind wishes for everyone in Florida. I live in the Tampa Bay area and according to the forecast tracks it looks like we will have a direct hit and a storm surge. My booth is now closed, until the storm passes. The storm is so large almost all of the State will be impacted. The Post Office has suspended service totally in Florida as of today until next week. There will be no mail going out or coming in, so if you have an order from a Seller in Florida please be patient. Hope to be back to Bonanza soon, safe and sound! Jan

answered over 6 years ago


crochet4u2 says: September 09, 2017

Please stay safe, I have friends and family in the area, so worried!!!

EmpressDepot says: September 09, 2017

Take care, jan

ccmom says: September 09, 2017

take care…

EmpressDepot says: September 09, 2017

When you get the chance, please come back and let us know that all is fine.

Starfisher says: September 11, 2017

Hurricane Irma is gone and we had very little damage and no storm surge. We were very lucky compared to many people living here in Florida. My heart goes out to them and I hope for the best.

EmpressDepot says: September 17, 2017

Thanks for coming back to comment, Starfisher. I was just thinking about you and took a look back at the thread. So glad to hear everything is okay.

Yes, please stay safe, everyone.

We’ll be thinking of you.


answered over 6 years ago

I’ll be putting my booth on hold for a week or so starting tomorrow night since the path keeps shifting west. Maybe all will go well and it will fizzle out quickly. Thumbs crossed!

answered over 6 years ago


EmpressDepot says: September 09, 2017

Stay safe Gravityvideo. Where abouts do you live on the west coast? And yes, you are right. Stay safe.

EmpressDepot says: September 09, 2017

When you get the chance, please come back and let us know that all is fine.

gravityvideo says: September 14, 2017

All is well, I live near Pensacola and we were watching it shift closer and closer. It did die out quickly over land and never made it to us, so we were the lucky side of the state.

EmpressDepot says: September 17, 2017

Thanks for coming back to post Gravity. I was just thinking about you and Starfisher, hoping everything came out okay. Great news!!

EmpressDepot says: September 17, 2017

I meant to say I was hoping everything came out okay and glad that it did. If I could only go back and be able to edit a comment I’d make more sense lol.

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