Here's a tip for posting on social media

Since it is important for Bonanza sellers to self-promote their items, I thought I would post the information I found while snooping for help on the web. I am going to try this routine for a while and see what happens. If nothing else, it will help me schedule promoting and, hopefully, free up some time for something other than looking at a computer screen :)

Best posting times for social [URL removed]

Twitter’s best day is Thursday

Instagram’s best day is Monday

Google/G+ is Wednesday

Pinterest is Saturday

asked over 6 years ago


VintageSweetheart says: March 01, 2018

Thank you for the information. I appreciate your research. Any information is helpful. Have a wonderful day.

abigdogmom says: March 01, 2018

You’re welcome. I am not sure it will produce sales, but you don’t know until you try :)

ccmom says: March 01, 2018

finally broke down and signed up with instagram…but can’t make any posts because you need to post with app on a mobile device….do all my store work on desktops..what a bummer

LuLusFancy says: March 01, 2018

Thanks so much for sharing this. I’m working on establishing a strong Web presence and tips like this are very appreciated. :)

zappys_closet says: March 01, 2018

This information is not correct, there has been many studies and this does not stand next to any of them

zappys_closet says: March 01, 2018

Check this out for better information [URL removed]

zappys_closet says: March 01, 2018

Here are the studies I mentioned [URL removed]

abigdogmom says: March 01, 2018

Thanks zappy_closet, I will check out the information you provided. My goal is the find the most effect and efficient way to promote.

abigdogmom says: March 01, 2018

I compared with the information I have and it agrees on the days with the exception of twitter (they say Wednesday). It does give specific times of the day, but, I have my own time of day preferences for promoting. I have used’s limited free plan in years past.

EmpressDepot says: March 01, 2018

Yes, I agree Cindy. Plus, I signed up also within the last week. The app is on my phone. Funny thing was last night is that I accepted a button on there so that they could have access to my pics and then bingo, suddenly all my pics from my phone were showing up on Instagram. I ran to my desktop and.

EmpressDepot says: March 01, 2018

was able to put my account on hold. Thank God. I thought when I clicked to accept that in the future pictures I wanted to send to Instagram would then show up on my account, not pics that are not by choice. lol. I’m not sure if I am going to use it or not.

EmpressDepot says: March 01, 2018

Thanks for posting abigdogmom

zappys_closet says: March 01, 2018

Go to FeedBurner after copying your rss and paste it there to make it more easy to share ([URL removed] this is what you end up with. Don’t forget to use all there tools to adjust your feed. You can even schedule items to be feed into your social media

IreneW123 says: April 13, 2020

Very informative.Thanks for sharing

1 Answer

Very informative.Thanks for sharing.

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