Not a single sale since the beginning of december...

Anyone else notice a ridiculous dropoff of sales here? It used to be good for one or two a month, sometimes more, but there has been zero activity since the beginning of december 2018…

asked over 5 years ago


Rancho_Alviso_Books_ says: February 14, 2019

I don’t get it myself….I do advertising for my store on here yet customers will go to ebay to buy the same thing at a higher price.

EmpressDepot says: February 14, 2019

@ [URL removed] Do you have your listings set up to go to Google shopping? I checked several of your listings in Google shopping and they are not in there. I will email you privately. Google shopping is your best bet for sale on Bonanza. Your listings are not sold in abundance on the internet…

EmpressDepot says: February 14, 2019

or in Google shopping. I would think once they are appearing in Google shopping, that you will have good placement.

abigdogmom says: February 15, 2019

Google Shopping does not allow watermarks, it violates their guidelines. That may be the reason why PhotoArchaeology’s items are not showing up.

EmpressDepot says: February 15, 2019

True, somehow I completely overlooked the watermarks :)

public-direct says: February 20, 2019

Same here. Sales completely died off on January 14th for some reason. I haven’t changed anything to cause this.

6 Answers

Actually this year has been great so far for me across all 6 of my selling locations, averaging around 25 sales a month so far here on Bonanza. Great thing about Bonanza is you get out what you put in, if you fail that one is on you. With Bonanza you really have to do it all yourself, they offer us a very cost efficient location…rest is on us.

answered over 5 years ago


EmpressDepot says: February 13, 2019

I’ve been curious to ask you where else do you sell…eCrater, eBay, Amazon? No pressure to answer if you do not feel comfortable sharing. Thanks!!

tmooreseller9 says: February 14, 2019

If that is the case, then why bother paying a ridiculous sum to be a member? 25 sales a month is chump change.

ccmom says: February 14, 2019

(tmooreseller9)…sellers who block their profile page will probably not get much in the way of views nor sales…want to instill buyer confidence make profile page public

I’ve been slow a little after the beginning of January up till now….but it is both eBay and Bonanza for me that are slow…however, Bonanza is doing better than eBay for me right now. Only two on Etsy for January and February combined but they were decent sales. I cannot for the life of me figure out what is going on with eBay. It’s usually from Average to Good for me there.

I’m always amazed at how sales switch around for people. One month (or two) it can be slow for someone while for the next person, sales are doing good. Who can figure anymore.

answered over 5 years ago


Atomicdiner says: February 14, 2019

I think on EB, if you opted in for their new payments, you get higher priority views and if not, like here if you dont pay a membership, you go to bottom of list.

EmpressDepot says: February 14, 2019

You may very well be right, Atomic.

Atomicdiner says: February 15, 2019

Ashamed that Bonz has a new Garden Shop tab and my garden sprinklers are NON-Existant there because I dont do a membership. Bad for BUYERS and Sellers if Bonz filters stuff and wants to be a destination for buyers.

Doing fine in Jan…then nothing..

Have request for feed right now..

feed diagnostics came back fine..but the feed link is missing..and not finding much in the way of bonanza in GPS right now either (some, not mine, but no where near as many as I used to)

For Empress

As you can see there is a link to see your items in google shopping..the link is there for my TrinketBox booth but is missing for the ccmom booth.. though the Canadian is there. I used to have a link for the UK also, which is also missing (Account number ID has been removed)

![URL removed]

answered over 5 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth


EmpressDepot says: February 14, 2019

Cindy, what do you mean by feed link is missing?

ccmom says: February 15, 2019

I wiil post a screen shot…

EmpressDepot says: February 15, 2019

Ok. I see what you mean now. When I click on my link I am only taken to three of my listings on Google shopping. It used to show everything in there but it has been a long time ago since it quit showing all. It was after I took my listings back off of reserve. I know they are in GS though due to..

EmpressDepot says: February 15, 2019

due to GS sales but they just no long all show up when I click my link. Thanks for sharing, Cindy.

Just starting again here but regular Google shows my shop and then does not show my shop.
Oddest thing ever.
Google shopping does show my items though.
As to OP possibly Google issue?

I changed my name recently for here and the only Google being picked up is this section where I asked ?s in the past.

Not sure what support can do about it? Delete the ?s or what?

Then Google shows my items from other shop on another venue for this name.

What a mess.

answered over 5 years ago


Atomicdiner says: February 15, 2019

Google is NEVER WRONG. I am Google,,, Bow Before Me. Oh and Everything has a UPC and ALWAYS did. Yeah Right.

EmpressDepot says: February 15, 2019

lol Atomic

EmpressDepot says: February 15, 2019

Glad to hear your items are showing in GS Graceful. Not sure if this is it with Google organic, but the longer a site stays open, the more Google organic will begin to trust the site and show it better in their search…6 months open is a start and then 1 year Google organic should really be…

EmpressDepot says: February 15, 2019

really be starting to trust a site.

I have had pretty much no sales for February. I don’t understand why no one is shopping. I have thousands of items for sale on bonanza. Free shipping, and on google feed . Why are sales so bad now ?

answered over 5 years ago

1 Comment

tmooreseller9 says: February 19, 2019

People are not spending money to begin with because they are wating for the other shoe to drop.

I just returned to Bonanza in January, but so far nothing for me either. I guess I won’t post anymore items until I get some kind of sales in March. I posted things for Valentine’s Day but no sales even then. Will Shamrock day be the same way. Only time will tell. But I have had no sales on my own site, either, so it may be because of several factors, like the inclement weather with deep snow, extreme cold, rain and hail, and other natural disasters which people have experienced in the last few months. People have stopped spending money due to the political climate. The economy has not really improved because, thanks to the tax bill which was just passed, people are getting less tax refunds and lots of people are being laid off. These are just the noticeable reasons. Who knows what else is percolating beneath the surface?

answered over 5 years ago

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