Turbo traffic or sign -up for a gold membership ??

Would love to increase my traffic for the next 30 days, would it be better to do turbo traffic or sign -up for a gold membership ??

asked over 5 years ago


TrinketBox says: December 07, 2018

I would go for turbo and select volume (higher click value and flood of ads all at once) if you are going for max traffic and page views…go for value max budget (this one lasts longer, but may not be the best idea if going for the holiday shoppers at this time)

TrinketBox says: December 07, 2018

just my opinion

EmpressDepot says: December 07, 2018

I would also go with turbo traffic. I completely agree with what Cindy is saying. The best time is to do a turbo, in my opinion, starting November after Halloween…unless of course you have a lot of Halloween stuff for sale.

EmpressDepot says: December 07, 2018

I purchased my turbo on November 5th and I’ve still got some of it left. Each time I get clicks from my items in Google shopping, the percentage of the turbo comes down but each time I get a sale from a click, the percentage left comes back up a little. I got 3 sales today. The percentage….

EmpressDepot says: December 07, 2018

did not come up a whole lot but it did come back up some. I’m crossing my fingers that the turbo will take me all the way into Christmas, not sure it will though but it does seem hopeful at this point.

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