Would you want to pay me $225 for a product you can't use? the obvious answer is 'no'!

Well, that is exactly what Amaraq Websites, a Bonanza approved vendor did to me. I needed help to get websites up and online. Nicole, owner of Amaraq Websites and hosting selling her preloaded websites with claims that the sites are great for Newbies. Based on her claims, I purchased 1 site full price,$90, another 50% off. Plus $89 for 1 year of hosting. I was so excited, being told I would be able to personalize sites, brand my business and such.I received her sites set-up on her hosting platform only to open the sites and not be able to do anything with them because I do not know shortcode, I could not change a thing. Nicole, the owner, was well informed of my lack of website coding skills and sold me these sites anyways! I asked for a refund the 1st day of receiving unusable product, Amaraq Websites, Nicole, the owner, refuses to fix this situation and has kept all $225. I the customer, have nothing! Would you like to be in my shoes and be her customer? Would you like to be the vendor and conduct your business as such? Taking money for a product that is unusable for your customer?

asked about 4 years ago

Reputation: 10


EmpressDepot says: April 25, 2020

I am an approved vendor by Bonanza as well, along with thousands of other sellers. If there is a problem, please contact Bonanza along with the method of payment you used when checking out, as the payment provider ([URL removed] PayPal) will be the ones to truly help you.

EmpressDepot says: April 25, 2020

I’m sorry to hear there was an issue and you are out that much. Calling out a seller on a community platform though is not the way to go. Best of luck.

TrinketBox says: April 26, 2020

if paid by paypal open a complaint on paypal or credit card company…there are plenty of website builders out there that require no coding and costs as little as $30/month for hosting…

We5BFinds says: April 28, 2020

That’s a frustrating incident for you. Hopefully Bonanza support can help you file a claim. I tend to research/dig for reviews within a variety of sources before spending hundreds of dollars. Doing so has saved me a lot.

5 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hello Geetasgotswagger,

Welcome to the Bonanza Community!!

We are so sorry to hear about the trouble you have had with your purchase from the seller,Amaraq.

We recommend that you contact our award-winning support team for additional support and they will be glad to assist you further. [email protected]

Thank you and Happy Selling!
Kind Regards
Bonanza Support

answered about 4 years ago

This is just a selling platform.
You need to go to that seller and work it out.
You may need to go to the payment processor and dispute it there.

Good Luck

answered about 4 years ago

I would contact the payment processor.

answered about 4 years ago

Reputation: 114
See Eliray's booth

Every seller on any platform whether it be Bonanza, ebay, etsy or wherever is an “approved vendor” You really need to take up this matter with the seller directly or you can contact Bonanza support Or you can open a dispute with your payment processor…If you paid with Paypal, you have up to 180 days to open a dispute. What you posted here is a seller based community forum., so we cannot do anything other than give you advice on what to do.

answered about 4 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth

Of course, no one will pay, but it is worth noting that no one will use the services of a business that is unknown and does not have a good reputation. Good products and business practices are also a reputation. Therefore, you should pay attention to the fact that if you want to do business, you can always buy a good existing business, you can do it with companies that sell ready-made businesses. I learned about one of them here [URL removed] on Revain review platform

answered almost 3 years ago

Reputation: 17
Question Vitals

Viewed: 1354 times

Asked: about 4 years ago

Latest response: almost 3 years ago

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