How can we bascically find out how much an item is worth

id like to know how much my items are worth

asked about 14 years ago

Reputation: 16
See tjsbeans' booth
13 Answers

i google it, bing it and yes ebay it. throw out the highest and lowest of the very similar if not the same and avg the rest. You have to read the others descriptions to make sure there is no damage and that the item is the same or real close . OBO is best because you can ask a price all day even if it’s worth it; but it is only actually worth what you can get.

answered about 14 years ago

Depends on the item, but research is imperative.
Use all kinds of media, internet for sure, collector’s catalogs, publications, books, journals, magazines.
Of which items are you inquiring?

answered about 14 years ago

Research, research. Research the internet, you will probably get many values for an item,from low to high in value. I do internet research and/or ask friends at work their opinion.

answered about 14 years ago

Do an ebay search and see what they’re selling for over there.

answered about 14 years ago

I check all resources available, not only what it is listed for, but what it sold for.

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 34
See Joytime's booth

I check,,, and Then I sell it for whatever I want. Usually more. Guess what? I usually sell it for more!

answered about 14 years ago

Google Google Google!
If you have a item you have a hard time parting with, then list it for what you want for it! That’s what i do. Maybe someone will like it as much as you did! Good Luck

answered about 14 years ago

Try to sell it your buyers will tell you if you got the price right.LOL I have an item in my booth I really don’t care if it sells(its that hard to find). I priced it high but hey everything has its price. Sometimes its the opposite I want to get rid of it then its bargain time, and I turn the money into something I like or want better.

answered about 14 years ago

A lot of research from the internet, books, collectors books, magazines, google, bing, ebay, etsy, and etc. Consider what you spent for it, what others have it priced at OR if you found it in a book too. Checking ebay can be good, but also keep in mind that they do auctions which can be a little different than a straight sale price too. And, if you use a book keep in mind it does not sell for the valued price in the book. You can note it, the book, and page & it will help in your description. Although it will generally sell lower, and sometimes half the price of what is listed in the books too—not uncommon. Depends on the age, condition, how high of a demand is there for the items, and etc. Depending what it is maybe you need to get an appraisal done too. I have done that with different pieces of jewelry before I have sold them.

Sorry, not just one definite answer for this, but many things to consider when it comes to pricing, and values of things.

answered about 14 years ago

ask me i’ll tell you.

give clear description of your item or show me if its listed.

i’ll give you estimation buying rate, selling rate etc

answered about 14 years ago

I do pretty much what Barn does.

answered about 14 years ago

For my porcelain, glass, silver, and anything else that I believe has real value, I use ebay and For anything else, I use my gut.

answered about 14 years ago

Any item is only worth what the market will bare and that is in flux in this iffy economy..The best I’ve found for internet sales to to ck eBay Search =Advanced = Completed items only..This tells you up to date what people on the web are paying at any give period. you can compare the item specifics to what you have.

answered about 14 years ago

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Asked: about 14 years ago

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