Where is my order i bought on 8/5/20

why have i not got my order yet i want my money back

asked over 3 years ago

Reputation: 12
5 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hello Bontat5

Welcome to the Bonanza Community!!

Please email our support team and they will be glad to assist you further with your concern. Contact us at [email protected]
Thank you and Happy Selling!
Kind Regards

Wanda T.
Happiness Producer
Bonanza Support Team

answered over 3 years ago

This is in no way, shape or form the place to request this. I am actually surprised you waited 5 months before trying to contact anyone about this, kinda strange in my eyes, however, simply file a claim thru Paypal. Also, Bonanza does not have your money, the seller does, this is now between yourself and the seller and either your credit card company or Paypal. Very simple really to solve these issues. Good Luck!

answered over 3 years ago


tomwayne1 says: January 11, 2021

I didn’t register the August order when I was OP’s post. Perhaps it was a special/custom order that may have contributed to delay. But waiting 5 months is crazy.

tomwayne1 says: January 11, 2021

“saw” OP’s post, not “was”

Atomicdiner says: January 12, 2021

I dont know, I am getting a PHIFISHY vibe on this post. Wow Waits 5 months to complain and even posts AFTER Tom and Fantastic provided an answer demanding money. Bonz needs to review this thread.to

You posted in a forum for users (buyers and sellers) of Bonanza. Unfortunately, the seller may not come to this forum and read your messages. Please send the seller a message directly using the link in your order details.

Go to the top of the Bonanza page (after signing into your account), hover over the “Account” tab and drop down to the “Recent purchases” link. That will take you to your Bonanza purchases. There, you can see if the seller posted a tracking number and you can find a link to send a message directly to the seller.

If the seller is not responding, then you can send a message to [email protected]

Please keep in mind that the seller may have sent the item (and supplied a tracking number) but delays in USPS shipping are severely delaying many shipments. I have items shipped from December 15th via US First Class Pkg mail that are just NOW being delivered.

If tracking shows your package in the pipeline, then a refund may not be warranted until the seller gets the item returned to him/her. It is not fair to the seller to refund for a package that is still in the delivery system.

answered over 3 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth

Contact the seller..if no answer please send message to

Bonanza [email protected]

answered over 3 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

give me my money back,

answered over 3 years ago

Reputation: 12
Question Vitals

Viewed: 578 times

Asked: over 3 years ago

Latest response: over 3 years ago

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