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findingking Top seller icon 24x30

  • joined 07/08/11
  • active 05/31/24
Bonanza Gold Pro Member

About Me

FindingKing is committed to providing our customers with quality goods and service. As one of the largest Internet jewelry and jewelry tools sellers in the world we have earned our reputation and are always striving to be better. We have a direct relationship with the industry's leading suppliers, which allows...

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My Endorsements (3)

grandpathing says: July 01, 2012

I love this booth. They have so many great items. You’ll spend half of a day looking around. Take a look inside, you’ll love it too!+

victoriannonsense says: December 30, 2011

Findingking goes that extra step to ensure customer satisfaction, which is greatly appreciated these days. Thanks so much.

Roxannmi says: November 15, 2011

I bought from this seller on another site. He is just the greatest. Fast service, super selection, glad he finally made it to the ranch! You will not be disappointed buying from him!