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Transfer Your Bonanza Items Between Bonanza Accounts
bonanzamark Jan 6, 2015

Transfer Your Bonanza Items Between Bonanza Accounts

Super happy to announce that today we have launched a new tool that will permit Bonanza sellers to transfer their Bonanza items from one booth to another! To use this tool, you will first need to link your Bonanza booths (no limit, you can link as many as you like). You can access the linking menu by pointing your mouse over your user name in the upper right hand corner of any Bonanza page:



After you have successfully linked your other active booth(s), you will then go to your batch editor (Sell on Bonanza > Update items as a group). From that page you will select the items you wish to transfer, select the linked booth and then click on the "Apply Changes" button and that should do it. 



You can keep tabs on this and all new updates to Bonanza on our site update feed that can be found on your My Bonanza page (Stay tuned for more fun tools and improvements).

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27 responses to Transfer Your Bonanza Items Between Bonanza Accounts

reksplace36 says: 01/06/15 at 18:11:05

Thank you.

tomwayne1 says: 01/06/15 at 18:48:41

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! (yes, I’m yelling it because I am so happy).

misskeech says: 01/06/15 at 20:06:35

OMG! I just transferred 4 items to my other booth!!! THANK YOU!!! Making sales here AND now this!! Dont know how much more i can handle!! Lol. Thank you guys! Very cool.

misskeech says: 01/06/15 at 22:05:29

There is another way to do it also!! Go to “Add or Edit items” hit on the item you want to send to your other booth, and you will see “transfer to” you click on the booth and Voila!! Transferred

ccmom says: 01/07/15 at 04:50:30

Works great.

Okay how did I get three of the same comment…

ccmom says: 01/07/15 at 04:50:30

Would like the items to move over on reserve, though to do some minor editing to indicate change of booths

ccmom says: 01/07/15 at 04:50:30

Works great.
Duplicate comment!

sistahqueen says: 01/07/15 at 07:19:19

What a wonderful way to start the New Year….THANK YOU Bonz Crew!

whimseys says: 01/07/15 at 07:20:53


Off to transfer items.

Thank you again.

Teas2u says: 01/07/15 at 09:20:22

Hi everyone! Can you also transfer coupon discount code from one’s booth to one’s webstore?

ZiggyZool says: 01/07/15 at 11:04:06

Holy Cow! What a great feature! Thanks guys!

RabbitsBookHutch says: 01/07/15 at 11:38:07

That is SO NEAT!! And this is only the First Week in 2015. I sense Great things are a-brewin’ here. Many Thanks, Bonanza Team! (Very nice new photo, Mark!)

cdvdmart says: 01/07/15 at 15:43:54

This is fabulous!!! Thank you, thank you!!

cshort0319 says: 01/07/15 at 16:33:22

At the same time, will it place them in the “browse category” index we have set up in our booths, or will that have to be done separately?

bonanzamark says in response: 01/08/15 at 10:50:23

Assuming you are speaking about custom booth categories; you would need to assign the item in the appropriate custom booth category. It is like you are creating a new item in your booth when the transfer occurs.

misskeech says: 01/07/15 at 21:05:36

Just saw a post on eCommerceBytes about this

justbecauseitscute says: 01/08/15 at 02:45:43

Useful thank you!

Ms_Prissys_Patterns says: 01/08/15 at 05:00:37

That is much easier than the old way of two browsers using C&P! Thanks!

SegundaVez says: 01/08/15 at 10:03:52

AWESOME!!! Thanks for this feature. Will make organizing my booths so much easier.

mrsdinkerson says: 01/08/15 at 16:49:00

Hooray! Can’t wait to try it out! Thank you very much!

sistahsoles says: 01/08/15 at 19:39:46

Love,love,love this feature….used it already and oh my – what a time saver…

THANK YOU Bonz Team!!!!

VaultFragrances says: 01/09/15 at 14:17:05

This new feature works great and so easy! I noticed that it transferred to the correct Custom Booth Category. Thank you!

BookbinEtc says: 01/09/15 at 18:39:10

I don’t have two booths, but this is going to be a great feature for many sellers!

Way to go, Bonz!

TheWeddingBoutique says: 01/10/15 at 14:54:43

Thank you!

WordwideReading says: 01/11/15 at 10:01:45

Amazing. Thank you.

dinkersonsdolls says: 01/12/15 at 06:59:48

I just used this wonderful new feature to open this booth- my third one on Bonanza. I was able to seamlessly and quickly transfer all the items I needed from another booth. Thanks very much!!!!

shilowsboutique says: 01/19/15 at 06:56:04

I just connected my 4 booths last night and already moved some items over too. I love this!!!! Makes things here much easier for me to answer questions and so much more with out having to sign out of one booth to go to another. Thank you!!

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