0 traffic on my booth

I started my bonanza booth 1-2 weeks ago, and i had 6 views in first day but just this day, and i think views is from me or one of my friends.

I have Advertising level Elite 30% fee.
After 1-2 weeks i have still 6 views from first day, is not moving.

asked almost 5 years ago

1 Comment

abigdogmom says: August 23, 2019

I would recommend you set your level at 9% until you get established and promote your item on facebook, twitter, etc.

5 Answers

First thing, change your % to 9% since you are new. Another bit of advice….This site is great, but, you must do a lot of your own promotions, be it social or wherever you wish. It takes a lot of hard work and time here to start really seeing results. DO NOT think of Bonanza as eBay, totally different (thank goodness). One more thing, right now is the slow time across the internet for sales due to back to school time, it really doesn’t start to kick back in until September and then as it gets closer to holidays. Hope this helps and good luck!

answered almost 5 years ago

I don’t know what happened, but, i received 124 views today, i think is solved, i will see those days.

answered almost 5 years ago

Take quotation marks out of titles and get some more items in your booth- they are really pretty. I agree to drop to 9% until you get your booth filled out. Also, since you were willing to pay 30% put that money into a Turbo Pack. It does add to your exposure and carries over by views. I added a Turbo Pack about 2 years ago and only had to renew it once. Pretty good deal for $25!! Good luck and get yourself out there wherever and whenever you can :-)

answered almost 5 years ago

Some time traffic was going to the high and it was depended by the keywords. If i want to watch latest movies on thoptv app. the main key word is thop tv.
best regards – [URL removed]

answered almost 5 years ago

Reputation: 12

Thank you so much for this. I was into this issue and tired to tinker around to check if its possible but couldnt get it done. Now [URL removed] that i have seen the way you did it, thanks guys
[URL removed] [URL removed]

answered almost 5 years ago

Reputation: 20
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Viewed: 1073 times

Asked: almost 5 years ago

Latest response: almost 5 years ago

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