How am i suppose to send pics in emails, when bonz won't let me do so?

I asked this question, before, and did not receive a solution. I am unable to send a pic within a Bonanza emailing, oftentimes called a B-mail. I use the exclamation points immediately before and after the URL of the picture (.jpg, or .gif, or .png) as I am doing so the correct way, as I’ve been doing this for a long, long time, and yet I cannot send another member a pic and I cannot send myself a pic in a B-mail as the URL gets cut off after I send the B-mail/emailing? Why I do not know, and as I make graphics, banners, avatars, etc., for Bonanza Sellers for FREE, I surely would like be simply be able to send or receive a B-mail with a pic in it, because not only can I NOT send one, I cannot Receive one either. Please Bonanza Staff, check into this, I am NOT the only member with this problem.


![URL removed]

See, I Should Be Receiving or Being able to Have a PIC show within a B Mail Message, and not an incomplete URL showing instead. Can You Fix This? Thanks so kindly! Dee

asked over 7 years ago

5 Answers

I ran two tests using the same link to an image file.

Result 1: Normal image link (surrounded by ! marks). The link was truncated and produced NO image.
Result 2: Same link, but used the website to produce shortened version of the image link. Sent the link (surrounded by ! marks) and the image successfully showed up in BMail.

[URL removed] Long links are being truncated (cut off) for whatever reason by Bonanza’s BMail system. Therefore, they cannot display properly.

Short-term solution until Bonanza fixes it (if they do) is to use tiny (or some other URL shortening service) to produce smaller link addresses.

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered over 7 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth


divinefabricsnmore says: March 07, 2017

Thanks Tom, but in all honesty, I should not have to do a ‘’tinyurl" – as I was always able to send a pic with a longer URL thru’ a message within Bonanza, aka B-mail, something has happened to change that. Thus if before I could do so, and now I or others can’t something needs fixing, methinks!

misskeech says: March 07, 2017

There are other members having problems with one thing or another that they never had before, not exactly like yours but still a problem they never had before.

Did this just start happening? Other strange things seem to be going on, so I wonder if they did an update or if there are just glitches going on.

answered over 7 years ago

Reputation: 1291
See A2z4u2c's booth

1 Comment

divinefabricsnmore says: March 07, 2017

Hey A2z4u2c, no this did not just start, it’s been like this for about a month.

I am still able to add pics to bmails just fine. I dont know why you are not able to Dee.

answered over 7 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth


divinefabricsnmore says: March 07, 2017

Hey Dearie ’’C’’ lucky you, LOL! If before all of us could send pics in Bmails and now SOME of us can no longer do so, something is glitching, I just hope they can fix it soon! Good to see ya, hon!

misskeech says: March 07, 2017

I hope they fix it for you also Dee! Nice to see you too my friend! :)

divinefabricsnmore says: March 09, 2017

It’s not just my B-mail either – I have 2 Bonanza sellers who cannot send or receive B-mails with pics inside them. They get a ‘’cut off’’ URL, too instead of a pic. I’m begging YOU, Dear Bonanza Staff, PLEASE Fix this, Thanks So Kindly!

This is tomwayne1 (posting under a different Bonanza account):

The BMail message discrepancies mystery might be solved. Some users are saying that Bonanza Mail messages are not supporting sending pictures and some sellers are saying that users are getting pics through BMail.

Well, here’s the latest discovery…. When I was sent an image through BMail, it was truncated (too long, see “Bonanza Best Answer” above), and the image did not display. However, when I checked my regular email account and saw the Bonanza Automailer message (that gets sent to your registered email account) that is a duplicate of the BMail message, the picture WAS visible there. And, the URL links were NOT truncated.

So, I’m thinking that Bonanza is purposely limiting the display of the images in BMail, but the copy of that message that goes to your private email account will display the image in its entirety. So, I’m wondering if a regular image link that is short in length will display properly, since we know that tinyURL does work.

If your image URL is too long for BMail, you can probably count on the Bonanza user seeing the image in their regular email account (from the duplicate BMail copy that gets sent to them). Or, you could use the tinyURL solution that I suggested above to see the image directly in BMail.

answered over 7 years ago


divinefabricsnmore says: March 10, 2017

Thanks (disguised) Tom, aka ComputerGuy – I have been told no matter how long the URL is, that SOME Bonanza Sellers still can see it as a pic within a regular Bonanza B-Mail so the theory that Bonanza is purposefully limit the display of images that have longer URLs, doesn’t hold true methinks.

divinefabricsnmore says: March 10, 2017

Would it not be so that if Bonanza was doing this it would hold true for all within Bonanza? It does not hold true for all Sellers/members. I guess I’ll have to resort to tiny for pics, thanks Tom!

tomwayne1 says: March 10, 2017

It is possible that the users who state they can see long URLs show up as pics in BMail might be actually seeing the AutoMailer message and confusing with an actual BMail message.

divinefabricsnmore says: March 13, 2017

Anything’s possible, however, 2 friends told me that they CAN see pics within an ACTUAL Bonanza B-mailing, so how does one explain that? Just another Glitch, I suppose. I wish they’d fix this, however, so I can send pics or LONGER URL’s within B-mails. No matter what, Thanks Tom and Be Blessed!

Typing out Emoticons or Emoji’s don’t work in forums anymore, one must copy/paste them from one’s booth chat box, in order for others to see an actual emoji of a smile, wink, heart, etc. Also, now I can’t send pics within emails anymore, what gives? Or who’s NOT giving might be more like it. Please, please, please, please fix it so I can send graphics/pics in emails again, thanks so much! Dee

answered about 7 years ago

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