How do i set the price in my own currency?

I understand that prices always show in your own currency when browsing, but how do I set the price in my own currency (Aust dollars)?

Even though I have the currency down the bottom set to Australia/Australian dollar, the price in the listing is actually in US dollars. I want to set it at $12 AU but when I put $12 in, when I view the listing later it shows as $16.65 (the AU equivalent of $12 US).

If the exchange rate never fluctuated I could live with listing in US dollars, but it does fluctuate!

Also, all the shipping policies are only relevant to the US as though I lived there, so to sell to Aust I have to ‘sell internationally’ to sell here, but I assume that means US buyers can also buy.

Any help would be appreciated!

asked over 8 years ago


BrersQuiltingPatch says: February 28, 2016

Also, is the flat rate postage per item or per order? In other words, if they buy 2 will the postage show as double the rate if they only bought one?

Warehouse_Direct2u says: February 29, 2016

Also as a fellow Aussie I had problems setting a store (Booth) and its difficult to get any help within a reasonable time frame due to the time differences I’ve found. I also have a problem with the ‘Buy Now’, when I test the shopping cart its says my order has to be approved by the seller.

2 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hello @BrersQuiltingPatch,

Thanks for reaching out and sorry for the confusion. All prices on Bonanza must be listed in US dollars. The currency will then show to each user based on the location set by their internet service provider. You can change the currency in which prices show for you by using the location/currency link at the bottom of any Bonanza page (be sure to set both the location and the currency to AUS and save your changes). Once you update the currency, you will be able to see the current exchange rate set in our system. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Currently, there is not a friendly way to denote shipping from an Australian’s perspective. Our system will read your location as Australia. So when you set up shipping, you just denote that you ship to Australia and that should do it (combined with the way you ship to Australia, free shipping, flat-rate shipping, etc). Make sure to have your “ships from” location in your “My Bonanza > My Account > Seller settings” page set to Australia.

If you wish to prevent buyers from other countries purchasing your items, you can set the qualification that “Shoppers must have a shipping address in my country” to prevent buyers from outside of your country completing purchases. Go to your “My Booth > Booth settings > Payments & purchases” page to set up this restriction. Be sure to save any changes!

Hope that helps.

answered over 8 years ago

Hello, Fellow Aussie seller here. I have mine set to Aus – but in US $$ – just works out easier for me that way. I adjust pricing for this store to suit due to the dollar up and down like a yoyo.

I do have Aussie buyers come to my store here occasionally – and they pay US $.

With postage – flat rate is the only way I can set mine up here – I cannot use calculated – yes the postage will show like that – I normally refund the difference and advise them – there isnt much else to do with the way the postage system is set up.

Let me know if you need any further help with anything – happy to help.



answered over 8 years ago

Reputation: 106
See J7339's booth

1 Comment

BrersQuiltingPatch says: February 28, 2016

Thanks for your help. So it seems I have to convert my prices to US dollars and then put that in the listing, then keep my eye on the exchange rate all the time, which isn’t really satisfactory. If I go ahead I think I’ll put my prices up and do free postage in AU.

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Asked: over 8 years ago

Latest response: over 8 years ago

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