I'm getting a headache trying to figure out how to do a paypal refund...

I should be able to figure this out since I’ve dealt with PayPal disputes before, but it’s been a very long time and it looks like they’ve changed things. Anyway, I had a customer receive an item broken in shipping. He filed a PayPal “not as described” dispute (which is totally appropriate, no problem). I would like to just refund his money, but PayPal doesn’t seem to want to let me do that. When I go to the resolution center, it shows a message from him (saying the item is broken, etc.) and then gives me two options – either send the buyer a message or send them an “offer” of a refund. Then it gives me the choices to ask that the item be returned or say I will replace a part, or whatever. That part doesn’t really matter to me, I just want to give him his money back.

So, I put the full amount into the “offer” box, but then I get a message saying that amount is more than my PayPal balance, so I need to add money… But they already HAVE his money! They are holding it, which is the only reason I don’t have that amount in my balance!

I can’t afford to add money, as I simply don’t have it. So this poor customer has just been waiting for like a week now while I try to figure this out (I’ve emailed PayPal but haven’t heard back yet). The money he paid is already in PayPal’s hands, though, so does anyone know how I get them to just return it to him? Am I overlooking something somewhere?

Any info from someone who’s dealt with this new system of theirs would be super appreciated. Thanks!

When I say I’ve dealt with PayPal disputes before, I mean it was several years ago, so I’d appreciate any insight from someone who’s done one more recently than I have.

asked over 8 years ago


MomentsInThyme says: March 01, 2016

Call PayPal their customer service is excellent and they will wa

MomentsInThyme says: March 01, 2016

Answer cut off please see comment below.

7 Answers

I started to comment and got cut off sorry.

PayPal has excellent customer service. They will walk you through the whole process by phone while you are signed into your PayPal account. Same situation happened to me years ago for an item on EBay. I received a photo by email from the customer and I called PayPal. I stayed on my computer as the customer service representative had me follow the given instructions.

Good luck!

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered over 8 years ago

My 2 cents… if PayPal says your funds are not enough to reimburse the customer -
the only reason I can think of [URL removed]
PayPal takes out it’s fees from the money you received from the customer.
So, the funds are not “whole” anymore thus “not enough”.

It’s idiotic, I know… but that might be the reason?

answered over 8 years ago

I am pretty sure you can escalate it to a claim, and it will be settled sooner. I thought when this happened to me, that there was a button to refund the buyer, but i could be wrong., but explain to the buyer that you are escalating it to a claim, and that the process should be quicker., check and see if there is a place to send a note to pp when you do that and explain to them you would like to refund.

answered over 8 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth

[URL removed]

You could try sending a message to buyer stating you would like to provide a full refund on the funds being held by Paypal. Then, as a seller you should be able to escalate it to a Claim to have Paypal settle it for you and provide a refund to the buyer from the held funds.

answered over 8 years ago

Try just calling PP customer service….
1 (402) 935-2050

answered over 8 years ago

1 Comment

RummageRampage says: March 08, 2016

Thank you for the number… That’s what ultimately worked. ![URL removed]

This has happened to me as well in the past. Just press refund button even if it says you don’t not have enough money in your paypal balance, as you said it is still holding the original payment received from the buyer so won’t be an issue and it will be refunded.

answered over 8 years ago

Reputation: 16
See SumanK1's booth

I just wanted to come back here and follow up, just in case anyone else has this issue in the future and looks here to see what happened.

I did escalate it to a claim, which then gave me the “refund” button I was seeking, but it still didn’t work. Just kept telling me that my refund could not exceed my available funds…

Ultimately, after weeks of emailing and messages that didn’t make any sense from PayPal, I called the number that TrinketBox posted here. It took me a while because I’m not always sitting somewhere where I can make phone calls, and it took me three different calls to finally get through (I had to be on hold for about 20 minutes). When I did get a person, she was very nice and helpful. It took less than a minute. All she said was that she would do the refund for me (and she did). When I asked why the system was doing what it was doing, why I couldn’t just refund, the only answer I got was, “It’s a little weird sometimes.” Yup, that’s all she said.

So, if you run into this problem, the only thing I know to tell you is to call them on the phone, tough out the wait times, and find a way to get a person. :-/

answered about 8 years ago

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