Opening another booth

How do I open another booth? I have been selling used car parts on Ebay and would like to seperate them out from my other listings into their own booth. Is there a way I can do this and just transfer them over from my current booth? Or, do I have to open the new booth and delete them from my current booth and then reimport them from my Ebay store? Thank you.

asked about 7 years ago

3 Answers

To open another booth, open up a new Bonanza account using a DIFFERENT email address for registration. You can still use the same PayPal account (and other payment methods) to accept buyer payments.

By having a second Booth, you can transfer items from one booth to another by using the Batch Edit Items transfer function.

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered about 7 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth

Welcome wrightgal,
Before importing anymore items please take a look at your titles. All the caps need to be removed, but for the start of each word. No symbols if you have any in your titles. The google feed will be rejected with all your caps.

I checked out your booth items and you have a great selection. Good luck with sales, you will like it here at Bonanza.


answered about 7 years ago

After adding a new booth, you can link them together. Just hover over your booth name on the right hand side, top of the screen and you will see add an account. Link booths and you can easily transfer items from one booth to another. You can also quickly switch booths without having to log in and out.

answered about 7 years ago

Reputation: 1291
See A2z4u2c's booth
Question Vitals

Viewed: 720 times

Asked: about 7 years ago

Latest response: about 7 years ago

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