Where is my webstore

Can’t see my web store. Type on store name. Bonanza.com and it brings me to the log in page. What is with this site!? No answers me when I message support. But you happily take my $25.00 for something I haven’t even been able to use!! Feels like a scam. Will someone please help!?!?!?? If not, cancel me from this site and refund me.

asked over 8 years ago

3 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

[URL removed]

Sorry for the negative experience. Your Webstore currently shows as closed. You can re-open via the above link.

If you continue to have trouble let us know.

answered over 8 years ago

What is Your web store address?

I’ve just clicked on tomwayne1’s web store link (I remembered He has a one) on His B. shop’s profile page, but it didn’t work.

So, maybe there is some temporarily problem with B. web stores access?

answered over 8 years ago

1 Comment

tomwayne1 says: March 05, 2016

Closed my webstore (but kept the Bonanza Booth) a few months ago. Too much going on with my brick & mortar store to deal with SEO stuff for a website. Eventually, I will get back to a website. But, for now, I’ll keep selling out of my Booth.

I have had alot of problems with my web store for the initial setup , due to some reason bonanza when changing the (A) Host file to the IP that bonanza has given it never worked , the solution which i came up with even though not good for search engine results . Was to take the wesbstore domain given by bonanza and forward it to my domain and use the IP address given by my third party hosting service . So if you type my doamin in directly it will pop up but extremly hard to find via google , unless under google shopping since a feed is submitted .

answered over 8 years ago

1 Comment

ArtistsUnion says: March 05, 2016

Add Your web store link to Your B. profile page. This way it will be visible under Your badges.

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Asked: over 8 years ago

Latest response: over 8 years ago

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