Would you warn other sellers of same type of items

this buyer has purchased from another seller who has similar items as mine,so would you warn the other seller or just forget it??

this “buyer” bought some high dollar items from me on etsy.The US POSTAL said the address she had given was undeliverable because the “buyer” misspelled the street. I called paypal and was told not to ship order due to this misspelling as my seller protection would not be any good. I sent her numerous emails asking her to change spelling on paypal and etsy but she never responded .She tied up my product for 10 plus days on etsy and now she has found me on bonanza.

asked about 9 years ago

Reputation: 116
See sewbuzyb's booth
2 Answers

Personally, I would have tried to determine it the address was actually in error..did the post office actually say it was undeliverable or did paypal..there are so many reasons why pp gives these messages and they are wrong sometimes

Sometimes the warnings that come from paypal about address are minor things like The buyer wrote Road instead of Rd, or they entered the address with a space at the beginning or even at the end.

These come out as misspellings and give undeliverable warnings…or the zip code is listed for a larger town, but the person lives in a township right outside of town, but they both have the same zip code…

Something like this, I merely go to the post office and ask them to check the address.. and if possible I just correct spelling mistake at the PO…if there is actually one

A deliberate attempt to scam sellers, an address that the Post Office says does not exist then yes, I would warn someone.

And I always go to the USPS site and check the address…just to be sure,

For someone not answering messages that may have gone to their spam folders or a simple misspelling mistake…that’s a judgement call, especially if I did not follow up with other options. Did you message them through etsy or bonz or did you actually send the message through Paypal..did you use both options???

PS people always miss spell my street name…I still get my mail..

answered about 9 years ago

I have refunded this person 2 times now and she has never even questions the refunds on her purchases….I can block her from buying from me here but not on etsy. She is back on etsy and has now favorited the relisted item again yesterday….

I did everything to verify this buyers address as it was a hugh sale for me.The US POSTAL online now verifies every address and will not let you print a label online at their site if the address is wrong. I called paypal and was told not to ship order due to this misspelling as my seller protection would not be any good. I sent her numerous emails asking her to change spelling on paypal and etsy but she never responded .She tied up my product for 10 plus days on etsy and now she has found me on bonanza.I personally can not afford to loose $500.00 plus the merchandise if she claims she did not get the items or that she did not authorize the purchase.

answered about 9 years ago

Reputation: 116
See sewbuzyb's booth


TrinketBox says: March 28, 2015

in that case…a heads up might be in order…if it is continual high dollar items without response..then yes…might want to let bonz know too…

TrinketBox says: March 28, 2015

but still would have actually gone and asked at PO..Because online…even a space in the wrong place can be an error that can cause a label not to be printed…

TrinketBox says: March 28, 2015

you would think she would respond, just to find out why she is not getting her orders or is getting refunded constantly

cshort0319 says: March 28, 2015

This really doesn’t make any sense. Why on earth would she ‘buy’ and not question why her order was canceled by you, and then ;‘buy it’ again

cshort0319 says: March 28, 2015

Sorry, I hit enter. If I wanted something, paid $500, had the purchase canceled 2 times, I would sure as heck want to know why. The lack of communication is the real puzzler.

sewbuzyb says: March 29, 2015

I personally think this buyer is hoping some one will ship without checking the address which I always do,especially high dollar items

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Viewed: 1468 times

Asked: about 9 years ago

Latest response: about 9 years ago

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