Seller Community Forum

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4 answers
0 votes
Do vinyl records sell often here? i have over 400 listed and no sales. thanks.
Do Vinyl Records Sell often Here. I have over 400 listed and No sales. Thanks.

asked almost 8 years ago

5 answers
0 votes
How can i add a picture into one of these discussion threads?
Can't figure out how to add a picture to a discussion thread....anybody know how?????????

asked almost 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
How much information does bonanza share with ebay when posting an advertisement?
Does Bonanza share anything but the listing information? I'm concerned about IP addresses, cookies, etc. My Comcast IP block has in the past been considered "suspect" by ebay because other people with banned ebay accounts have used it.

asked almost 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Identification, translation, information help please.
Can anyone help me Identify this makers mark? I acquired this ginger jar and need to identify the makers mark, have the writing translated,and get any other information you may have. Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance. ![URL remov...

asked almost 8 years ago

7 answers
1 vote
Dear bonanza staff ... need your response please
First of all, sorry for using this community forum to contact Bonanza Staff. It's been two days+ since my first reply to Bonanza staff which asking me to provide or import eBay feedback, so they can approve my booth and let my items to show up ...

asked almost 8 years ago

10 answers
0 votes
Which advertising fees % do you use?
I'm on 9% fees on Bonanza and I have over 900 items in booth (Avon products and vintage). Average I'm selling 5-10 items on Bonanza every month. Which fees % do you have and which one works well for you?

asked almost 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Can i link more than one ebay (or amazon) account to import items to bonanza?
I have 2 Ebay accounts where I'm selling and 2 Amazon accounts ( and, I have linked one Ebay account and one Amazon account Can I link more than one Ebay (or Amazon) account to import more items to Bonanza?

asked almost 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Anyone know anything about vintage s.t. dupont pens?
A friend who used to work for S.T. Dupont as a salesman in the 80s gave me a whole bunch of pens (rollerball and fountain) and asked me to sell them for him. I can't find a lot of information on the older pens and was wondering if anyone could he...

asked almost 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Vertical images are cut off on twitter
what to do about that ? I can not resize my image on Bonanza to make it appear nice on Twitter.

asked almost 8 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
I need a banner made.
Does anyone make custom banners? My original banner was deleted when they were updating the system and I no longer have it stored in my computer so I need a new one. Anyone who may be able to help, please contact me so I can purchase one. Thank you!

asked almost 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
How do i cancel my account? can't get to the setting page
I can't get to settings showing pause or cancel

asked almost 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Selling an item outside of bonanza
Hi - If an Item is listed on my Booth or Webstore but is sold elsewhere, do we have to report it to Bonanza as "sold" or merely remove it.....?

asked almost 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Web store
How do i get to my web store to close it.I thought it was free.Just signed for it cause have never sold anything on my Bonanza

asked almost 8 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Items not showing in google shopping?
I did a search of a some things I have for sale in my other booth. None of them came up in google shopping. If i search with the exact name as i have it listed, only a couple came up. I have my advertising set at 19%, yet items are not showing. Al...

asked almost 8 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Can a person sell or give away their tokens?
I'm getting kicked off of Bonanza after 8 years because of their new payment policies. I have over 13,000 tokens. Can a person sell or give them away? And does anyone know of a site that one can export their Bonanza listings to?

asked almost 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
I put an item on reserve, now i dont know how to put the item back up for sale, thanks for anyone's help
I put an item on reserve, now I dont know how to put the item back up for sale, Thanks for anyone's help

asked almost 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Please help i don't have a credit card nor debit card
how do I verify my reseller status as I don't have debit nor credit card? I do have PayPal account via to my bank account only.

asked almost 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Turbotraffic vs gold/silver membership
Interesting, when I was looking at visual markdown, B. refers you to memberships. But there, at the comparison table, there is no mentioning of that. Does any membership let you use visual markdown ? My main [URL removed] what is a more efficie...

asked almost 8 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Is there an issue with my google feed?
I have everything active, bing nextag and pricegrabber seem to be working properly. however in my google feed diagnostics it shows this. Feeds Country Account ID Feed ID Last Upload Items Uploaded US ******** ******** 07/08/16 ...

asked almost 8 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
How do I take away a seller in my booth chat?
Both myself and the person ''stuck'' or ''frozen'' in my booth's chat, have tried to ''x'' out her ID, with NO luck. How do I eliminate, ''x - out'', or take away a person who's showing in my booth chat under a ''tab'' but is really NO longer the...

asked almost 8 years ago