Details as to which items failed to import and why?

My import result only says “The CSV import you requested on June 20th, 2016 at 08:02 completed successfully. 45 items were imported 32 items failed to import” there is no information about why the 32 items failed or which items failed.

I’ve gone over my CSV many times, looking for lines that are different from the others, but I don’t see why some items imported while others did not.

I did read “Is there a report showing why a csv file import failed?” and I asked my question there but it’s been two weeks and I still need an answer.

My only alternative for finding which ones failed will be to import each item in its own CSV and that will be tedious, to say the least.

Thank you!

asked almost 8 years ago

1 Answer

There are many reasons why it failed…space, punctuation, anything. As far as I know there is not a way to get a report, but I only did it once 7 years ago, so things may have changed since then.

…The one time I used a csv.. I had to actually edit all the listings anyway to make them presentable, I just switched to doing my listings from scratch which is about the same amount of time as editing all of them….

I am curious though…with only 32 that failed, you could have just re-tried with the 32 or manually listed them,…would have been a whole lot quicker…Not meaning to be rude…

answered almost 8 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth


SpaceAgeAtomics says: June 20, 2016

I need to get the CSV import going reliably (I have over 7000 items – this is the test batch). I would retry the 32 that failed but there’s no indication as to which ones those are. I’d have to create 32+ CSVs of one item each to find the 32 that failed. Thank you for the reply though! :-)

ccmom says: June 20, 2016

understood..might want to send a message to one of the employees through support..(put attn XXX on the support ticket) sometimes that gets a quicker response than waiting on someone to go through the support tickets..

ccmom says: June 20, 2016

As to what 32 did not go…it was a test file with?? 32+45..items?couldn’t you just look at your booth to see which 32 are not there?

SpaceAgeAtomics says: June 20, 2016

You’re right. I have looked at some of the 32 that are not there but their data is effectively the same as items that posted. I’m amazed there are no useful error messages being shown. The developers detect an error but don’t show it.

SpaceAgeAtomics says: June 20, 2016

It seems my data was ‘fine’. Since I wrote the code to map SKUs to categories, Bonanza changed what categories are valid. I appreciate your replies, ccmom! :-)

ccmom says: June 20, 2016

Google put out a new category list every once in a while, so things have to be shifted for the feed…

SpaceAgeAtomics says: June 21, 2016

Google or eBay? They say eBay at [URL removed] but I know there are changes that had to be made for Google.

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Asked: almost 8 years ago

Latest response: almost 8 years ago

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