How to change the seller message on the packing slip?

A long time ago, I added a message to automatically appear on each packing slip for my customers. Now I would like to change this message but I can’t find where I can do it in my account. Thank you

asked almost 8 years ago

3 Answers

If You’re Using PayPal to CREATE SHIPPING LABELS then you’d have to CHANGE WORDING in your Packing Slip through PayPal, When You go to print out a label, there’s a window that allows you to print out a PACKING SLIP and in THAT window you’ll FIRST, be ABLE TO EDIT the PACKING SLIP message you’d like.
However . . .
If You’re Using Bonanza. . . go to THIS Bonz Blog (below) so you can VISUALLY see where PACKING SLIP is Located. Clicking on that area (where it states “View Packing Slip”) when you are using Bonz to Print a SHIPPING LABEL will give you the opportunity to CHANGE the WORDS that are in your Packing Slip. . .see sample below
[URL removed]

I Hope I helped, have a Great Weekend! Dee

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered almost 8 years ago

When you click on View Packing Slip

There is a box below that has Seller Message
Click on Edit and you can change the message, this message will remain the same for all packing slips until you choose to change it again

answered almost 8 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

I this is lisa McCarthy still waiting on the boxed set of homeland still have not received thanku

answered almost 7 years ago

Reputation: 12
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Viewed: 1149 times

Asked: almost 8 years ago

Latest response: almost 7 years ago

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