I'm getting feedback but how come it doesn't show up?

Customers are leaving great feedback but it’s not showing up in my booth. How do I save it to my booth? I don’t have an Ebay account but a Web Store. It says Import next to the feed back but when I click on it where does it go?

asked over 7 years ago

3 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

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Hi KerridwensCauldron,
Congrats on building a great webstore! When buyers make purchases in your webstore they can leave feedback just like a purchase in your booth. The feedback will be here on Bonanza, there is not a feedback page in your webstore. If you’d like, you can copy and paste your feedback onto your About Me page in the store.

Feedback can be seen on your profile page by clicking on the feedback number there.
[URL removed]
Also, on the bottom of your profile page are your endorsements.

Let us know if you have any other questions. Happy Bonanzling!

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered over 7 years ago

you will have to contact support to find out if Webstore FB can go to booth or vise versa..

[email protected]

answered over 7 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

Hmmm… good question. Obviously, you have to make a sale through either a booth or Bonanza Webstore for a buyer to leave feedback. So assuming that happens and the buyer leaves feedback on a Webstore purchase, then why isn’t it showing up?

Since the Webstore is not actually a sale through your Bonanza booth, it is entirely possible that any feedback won’t be transferred. Then again, I’ve never seen a place for a buyer to leave feedback when an item is purchased through a Bonanza Webstore. If I’m wrong about that, somebody please come along and let us know.

answered over 7 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth
Question Vitals

Viewed: 675 times

Asked: over 7 years ago

Latest response: over 7 years ago

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