View item details

For each detail that I add for an item for example, brand, material, colour, etc…. The user will have to click on “view details” to see EACH detail? Why not just have the details listed so users don’t have to have that extra step.


asked almost 8 years ago

4 Answers

no they will not..Clicking on a listing shows this…of course all the photos and shopping cart/shipping etc shows at the top (I am on computer)…

![URL removed]

However, the mobile version shows the item traits but further listing details will have to be clicked on… to see full description

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered almost 8 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

That is odd. It shows “view details” for me.

See screenshot [URL removed] [URL removed]

answered almost 8 years ago

1 Comment

ccmom says: June 23, 2016

Different browser? (bonz works best w/Chrome)..log out of your account and look again..

Not sure if this helps answer your question, but on my desktop, I see today that visitor no longer has to click on view details, or product description, like it used to be. Now this shows, “More about this item” and below that the product description. This is great! No more hidden description to be clicked and opened, but all revealed on the page! I’m so glad and hope it stays this way. It was confusing to see the link to open the description before, IMO.

“Embellishments for your crafting, your space & you!”

answered almost 8 years ago

Bringing this back around to give a BIG THANK YOU BONANZA!!

I see that customers no longer have to click on a link to find the details listed as mentioned above. Looks and works so much more professional now.

I don’t know what you did or how you did it (nor do I care), but THANK YOU!!

answered over 7 years ago

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Viewed: 853 times

Asked: almost 8 years ago

Latest response: over 7 years ago

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