What happens if my item sells on bonanza and also is on ebay as an auction with a bid on it, both from the same person?

This happened today. A buyer bid twice yesterday on the item on ebay, ending tomorrow, and then came to Bonanza today and bought that item! The auction on ebay was suddenly ended early and says there were no bids and do I want to relist it. I am confused about how this happened and if it was supposed to. Usually ebay requires a seller to cancel a bid or the seller initiates it. My ? is also does Bonanza automatically cancel auctions with bids over on ebay when an item sells on Bonanza?

asked almost 8 years ago

Reputation: 24
See Joyfl's booth
3 Answers

You probably had your Bonanza and eBay accounts synchronized to adjust item quantities when an item sells on either platform. If so, then when your item sold on Bonanza, the item was automatically deleted (ended) from eBay due to the synchronization. That means that it worked as it was intended.

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered almost 8 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth

Absolutely what ccmom said. That can happen very easily, its not bonz’s fault, if you are going to put the item on auction, then dont have it on bonanza. One reason, i would think, that when you send items over to ebay from bonanza, bonanza will only send them as fixed price for 30 days, so something like this does not happen.

answered almost 8 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth

I do have them synchronized and it was deleted but the thing I am trying to understand is how it is handled if over on ebay the item is an auction with bids on it and then it sells over here on Bonanza. Luckily in my case the high bidder over on ebay was the same person who came on over to Bonanza and bought it right away. I never even had to cancel any bids on the auction on ebay. It just ended and went into my “unsold” folder on ebay, saying there were zero bids. What if it had not been the same buyer and bidder? If another bidder was the high bidder on ebay and someone bought it on Bonanza suddenly. What then? This is something I need to get straight because I have lots of auctions on ebay without “buy it now” and those same items listed on Bonanza able to be bought immediately. It occurs to me this could be disastrous and I don’t understand what I should look for or do if anything.

answered almost 8 years ago

Reputation: 24
See Joyfl's booth


ccmom says: June 23, 2016

then maybe..you should put the bonz items on reserve while auctions are going on….or when an item gets a bid…

tomwayne1 says: June 24, 2016

The synchronization does not exempt eBay items that have bids on them.

tomwayne1 says: June 24, 2016

When the item sells on Bonanza, it is no longer for sale and it is removed from eBay if you have your Bonanza items set for synchronization.

tomwayne1 says: June 24, 2016

Problems with your eBay account COULD occur if too many of your eBay auctions with bids on them are ended early. That’s why ccmom’s suggestion is a good one.

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Viewed: 1288 times

Asked: almost 8 years ago

Latest response: almost 8 years ago

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