Where is the confirm button to accept an offer?

I received an email from a buyer asking me if i would hold something for them for 1 month till they were able to pick it up if they paid….I said yes, i sent them an invoice, the invoice says they want the item shipped to another country with a red exclamation mark!
Anyway, I clicked on "accept offer’ then on the next page, it says to click confirm to finish accepting this offer, only no confirm button, only a cancel button. I have notes in the invoice that i will hold it till they pick it up, but not sure how to finish accepting this offer.

asked almost 8 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth


ccmom says: June 19, 2016

got me on that one…since they changed the OBO process about a month ago..I removed it from my items. However, if you have not added the international shipping, I would not accept anyway, because you cannot change the offer. Might be best to cancel and set up listing with the international shipping

ccmom says: June 19, 2016

And let them go through checkout. By the way…if you clicked accept offer, then the offer is accepted…I do not believe there is a confirm anymore

misskeech says: June 19, 2016

I dont think its confirmed ccmom. It wasn’t a obo, i just sent him the invoice that bonz sends me to send to him thru a message. He was going to pick it up, he never said anything about international. Anyway, i wrote him back and told him if he wants it to go thru bonz to get it. so we’ll see.

misskeech says: June 19, 2016

It was not confirmed. I clicked cancel offer, and it gave me a confirm button for that. probably cause i dont have int. shipping on it, we’ll see what happens. I wrote him, so will wait for an answer.

ccmom says: June 19, 2016


2 Answers

I would be leery about someone who says they are going to pick it up, and then wants it shipped to another country. If they do pick it up, they can ship it themselves, and if they are wanting you to just ship it, they are circumventing your "No International shipping " Also remember if you accept an offer, you have to look for the itsy bitsy link that says “I need to adjust my invoice” Otherwise you are accepting the offer without any shipping charges.

answered almost 8 years ago


misskeech says: June 19, 2016

Thank you ms_Prissy, but they didn’t want it shipped. its a bit difficult to explain….They contacted me, said they would pay and then pick up in a month….Then I think I made the mistake of sending over the invoice to them, and they sent it back as an offer., sort of weird how it all happened.

misskeech says: June 19, 2016

But if he contacts me again, ill just tell him to contact me when/if he arrives in town., and if its still avail. he can by it. I dont know of any other way to accept the offer with the terms I want.

ccmom says: June 19, 2016

Ms_Prissys…the counteroffer link no longer exists..bonz removed it about 1-2 months ago…there was a thread about it

misskeech says: June 19, 2016

Yes i know that. But there was no offer involved. And if you cannot accept the offer on the invoice, bonanza should remove the wording.

For general information…I know it does not apply to your situation

Here is the thread and Bonz reply about the “counter offer” no longer existing

[URL removed]

answered almost 8 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

1 Comment

misskeech says: June 19, 2016

Thank you ccmom.

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