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Buyer survey launched!
alexwberg Jun 24, 2010

Buyer survey launched!

Hi everyone. 

As I mentioned we’re going to be relying on data to make smart choices.  So, in an effort to learn more about our buyers shopping experience so we can improve the site, we’ve launched our first buyer survey!  (much rejoicing…)

The survey is pretty standard stuff.  We’re focused on learning their likes, dislikes, and suggestions so we can make improvements.  It’s short and sweet – no invasive questions about income or birthdays.  I imagine some of you (we didn't email every buyer) will get the survey since you’ve purchased items before.  If so, please put your best ‘buyer hat’ on as you think about your responses.

I imagine we’ll want to do a seller survey pretty soon. 

Thanks all and have a great day!

- Alex


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35 responses to Buyer survey launched!

Vintagemaven says: 06/24/10 at 07:42:32

Alex check your spelling in your title.
Think you made a mistake with survey.

alexwberg says: 06/24/10 at 07:42:53

As soon as I can fix that typo in the title I will. I saw that a half-second after I clicked the ‘post’ button. That’s what I get for writing before coffee.

Vintagemaven says: 06/24/10 at 07:43:40


gingernellscloset says: 06/24/10 at 07:48:00

before coffee? I can’t evn see before coffee!

AutumnLeaves says: 06/24/10 at 07:50:18

Wow you sure fit right in here, not many of us do anything without coffee, saves re doing. LOL !

Love the idea of information gathering before deciding.

bvaughnfamily says: 06/24/10 at 07:51:35


Studio7 says: 06/24/10 at 07:52:23

Great idea Alex! About the survey. Coffee is a pretty good idea too

alexwberg says: 06/24/10 at 07:53:50

Yeah, it’s a good thing I read the body three times to make a blunder in the title. It’s not Monday is it? ; )

alexwberg says: 06/24/10 at 08:49:41

There, that’s better.

Vintagemaven says: 06/24/10 at 09:22:59


MONTROSE says: 06/24/10 at 09:43:33


teapotgallery says: 06/24/10 at 09:54:41

great idea!

myjewelrysuite says: 06/24/10 at 10:16:26

Good idea. Would like to see it though for feedback and relevancy..thanks!

jacks says: 06/24/10 at 10:33:41

Cool idea…

sofyblu2 says: 06/24/10 at 11:44:50

Great idea. Hope you will share the results with us

starshinin says: 06/24/10 at 12:08:22

btw alex, most of the booths here have fresh coffee on hand, as we can’t live w/o lol

momspennies says: 06/24/10 at 12:20:59

Glad to see it Alex…the venue has to be easy to use for it’s sellers, but its even more important that it is efficient and functional for our buyers. I personally have never had a problem, but I would love to see what our buyers are saying and what their first impressions are when they come here to shop. Looking forward to an update on this! Good Job!

TimsDiamondWillow says: 06/24/10 at 13:34:07

I’d love a survey

Green tea, anyone?

adammas says: 06/24/10 at 16:19:59

Cool stuff… thank you…

Griffengarb says: 06/24/10 at 17:54:37

HI Alex, will we get to see the results? Is the survey for buyers just joining to make a purchase/or is it for Bonanzle sellers who have purchased from other Bonanzle sellers?

alexwberg says: 06/24/10 at 23:41:03

I’ll post some highlights though it will probably be late next week. I may send a few more out to make sure we have enough responses. In this survey we didn’t distinguish between those who have sold before and who have not, but we will in future ones most likely.

patatopatch says: 06/25/10 at 00:16:08

bring it on – just love a survey!!

AllThingsVintage44 says: 06/25/10 at 02:40:34

Somethings just make good sense

shellbysbooth says: 06/25/10 at 06:03:26

This will be a good learning experience !

yeshuazgirl says: 06/25/10 at 07:10:31

Yes intelligent data is key to any business success!
customer feedback is GOLDEN!

I have institued a buyer survey for some time now. After a buyer receives their package, I e-mail them the simple survey – the response has been wonderful! I am working on fine tuning my questions though. Here is my survey http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JNPQMHN

CandleWarmerStore says: 06/25/10 at 08:00:00

Alex Great Job
Voice of the customer is #1
Don’t let Bonanzle become only Flea Market / Garage Sale or a hang out for fraud. You have to protect the buyers and the sellers, some thing that eBay didn’t do from the start.
We have to make sure the buyers come back to Bonanzle and not just forget about us.

no one says: 06/25/10 at 09:31:43

seraphin..I drink only green tea, cold in the summer, hot in the winter. :o)

RayvensRarities says: 06/25/10 at 15:39:29

sign me up for a survey

And I have Alex beat all to heck with a spelling boo-boo. Had a kids craft kit listed. A potential customer bmailed me to check my spelling on the description of the kit.
kit comes complete with the parts and SATAN string.

No wonder I couldn’t sell the thing. I don’t think I’be be buying my kid a craft kit with SATAN string either

Alilbirdy2 says: 06/25/10 at 17:00:03

This is great, I like that you are doing the survey and look forward to the seller surveys.

SunflowerAntics says: 06/26/10 at 19:00:09

Thanks Alex! I think that is a GREAT idea!

STBThreadworks says: 06/27/10 at 10:39:49

Good idea. Just a thought … if you get your coffee BEFORE posting, you can have it handy to have a swallow in your mouth just before you see something either brilliantly funny or absolutely absurd so that you can spew coffee all over your monitor and keyboard. Again, just a thought …

calicoseas says: 06/28/10 at 21:20:14

So glad you’re here, Alex. It just keeps getting better.

MamawsButtonsAndMore says: 06/29/10 at 07:47:37

YAY I will take the survey

alexwberg says: 06/30/10 at 10:30:40

I just launched a few more surveys (not duplicates) so we can get more responses. Just an FYI.

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