We use a unique SKU for each of our listings. We have always been able to search our inventory using the SKU. Now… that’s no longer working. Instead, we have to use the title. Is anyone else having the same problem? If so… could someone from Bonanza chime in? This is a feature that’s pretty critical to our business! Thank you for your help.
vintagepaperads2 Reputation: 71 See vintagepaperads2's booth |
Thank you for reporting this bug, Vintagepaperads2. We have been updating our site search capabilities. This is a big technical site update project that will make search more effective for buyers and sellers. SKUs have now been updated within the search. Thanks again!
Billstuff, could you please write our Support team at support @bonanza.com in order to provide an example listing and the steps you took that resulted in this issue? We were not able to duplicate this in testing. We want to help and are here to assist!
BonanzaSarah Reputation: 248 See BonanzaSarah's booth |
Hello, and thanks for your reply. I checked my “Reserved” folder again and the item I placed on reserve is now there, so whatever was preventing it from being added has now been corrected.
billstuff Reputation: 12 See billstuff's booth |
Thank you! I can confirm that the search by SKU is now working across all our accounts. I appreciate the quick fix.
vintagepaperads Reputation: 51 See vintagepaperads' booth |
Ughh… Unfortunately, it seems to be broken again… but in a different way. Before… when I was searching by SKU… it showed no results. Now…. instead of showing me the correct item… it’s showing me ALL my items. The search by title is still working, fortunately. Here’s hoping you can implement another fix soon! Thank you for your help!!
vintagepaperads3 Reputation: 19 See vintagepaperads3's booth |
Viewed: 279 times
Asked: about 1 month ago
Latest response: about 1 month ago
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