A buyer has not paid and it has been 2 days. How do I cancel/mark the item as unpaid and get a refund on the Bonanza fee?
tbpartners13 Reputation: 10 See tbpartners13's booth |
Hi @tbpartners13,
So sorry for the confusion. Bonanza gives buyers 7 days to complete checkout once a seller accepts an offer. If the buyer does not complete payment within this time, the option to mark the offer as “unpaid” will appear as a link under your transaction summary after 7 days. Marking the offer as “unpaid” will automatically re-list the item(s) and remove any seller fees from your Bonanza bill. You can read more about how to cancel a transaction depending on the status of the order on the following [URL removed]
[URL removed]
Hope that helps!
Katyoke Reputation: 1512 See Katyoke's booth |
Go to My Booth , scroll down about half way on the left side click on fees .Then click statements , once on statements find the month and click . Once in the month find the link “Request a refund for a transaction on this bill” and you will be able to choose the transaction to request your fees .
SurrealHairBeauty Reputation: 461 See SurrealHairBeauty's booth |
That is something that I would like to know also. I know if the buyer used paypal, you can cancel it there in your paypal account. But how its done on Bonanza is a mystery to me. Hope someone else can tell you.
StarletVintageJewels Reputation: 158 See StarletVintageJewels' booth |
These things are important when you are going to create a new portal for your client. I hope [URL removed] can help you in that because I cover this in a video format.
JaydenJ21 Reputation: 12 |
Viewed: 1815 times
Asked: over 8 years ago
Latest response: over 4 years ago
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