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Now supporting Facebook and Google log in
alexwberg Jun 29, 2010

Now supporting Facebook and Google log in

Hi everyone - as you might have noticed we now are supporting Facebook and Google log in methods on the site. 

Why offer these methods of joining the site in addition to creating a Bonanzle account you ask?  Speed and ease.  If you're like me you have lots of accounts on the web.  And remembering all those usernames and passwords can get a bit tricky; unless you keep them on a post-it stuck to your monitor.  So, we decided to let users use accounts they may have already to get more people into the Bonanzle family.  We may try adding other 3rd party accounts in the future (like Yahoo, etc.), but these are it for now. 

If you already have a Bonanzle account and want to use Facebook or Google to log in from now on just make sure your Facebook or Google account shares the same email address as your existing Bonanzle account.  When you log in with Facebook or Google you’ll be prompted to tie the two accounts together. A sample screenshot of the log in page is below.

New log in screen

Thanks all!  More wholesome goodness to come!

 - Alex

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15 responses to Now supporting Facebook and Google log in

MONTROSE says: 06/29/10 at 10:04:07


AntiquesRGreat says: 06/29/10 at 10:55:40

Great Idea Alex

Vintagemaven says: 06/29/10 at 11:12:12

Hi Alex,
please note this is what it says now
Choose you login account from the choices below,

I think you meant
Choose your instead of you.

Just wanted to let you know so you can fix it.
Otherwise looks good.

alexwberg says: 06/29/10 at 11:39:48

Thanks. I’ll see if I can get Bill to fix that. ; )

SunflowerAntics says: 06/29/10 at 12:28:58



adammas says: 06/29/10 at 12:43:09

Thank you…

sofyblu2 says: 06/29/10 at 18:08:29

you laughing at all my post-its taped to my monitor? Only way I can function..only bad thing is when one gets stuck to a cat’s behind and goes walking off. This is agreat idea!

bmjhousewaresNmore says: 06/29/10 at 20:03:47

that is awesome! Thank you

Lisas_TX_Treasures says: 06/29/10 at 21:01:30

I am quickly becoming a Huge Alex Fan!

Initially, I was impressed by how “clean” the page looked.
I do like the log in from Google as well, but nice and neat is awesome!

Excellent Job Alex!

EuropeanGoodies says: 06/29/10 at 23:58:50

That’s cool. I didn’t bother to go to FB for B.
But now I will!

SecretGarden says: 06/30/10 at 08:47:32

Nice and glad you did it I am one who can’t remember passwords and usernames, and which email acct is for what so this surely helps

HAWKlNS1 says: 07/08/10 at 13:15:31

Very good idea.

sonsandie1507 says: 07/16/10 at 06:56:07

Great idea!

AmbleOutdoors says: 07/28/10 at 01:12:59


babycakesbytina says: 07/28/10 at 17:47:46

I think that’s a really great idea!I signed into the facebook and google and for some reason my booth has nothing in it on both sites. I had to re-list everything onto each new site.I wonder why??:/

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