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Seller survey highlights
alexwberg Jul 16, 2010

Seller survey highlights

Hi everyone.

A while back we sent out some seller surveys.  I thought I’d take a moment to share some of my ‘take-aways’ after reading the results.
First off, most of the respondents have sold lots of items.   This tells me that those who are inclined to take the survey are those most active on the site.  This isn’t a surprise in hindsight.  We will segment future surveys based on sales volumes to make sure different voices are being heard.

Now, onto the results.  Of great interest to me was understanding where the goods come from.  And it turns out that most of the items for sale on Bonanzle come from, well, all over.  From the garage and attic to the swap meet or collection it seems there’s no shortage of sources.  Many respondents similarly sell for a variety of reasons ranging from extra cash to those who sell for their primary source of income.  Bonanzlers are a diverse lot.  Many of the respondents are also fairly satisfied with the site, but I would expect that from folks who are doing lots of selling.  That said many of you would like to see more sales.  I’m not surprised here.  We’ve got lots of interesting things in development right now to try to increase our conversion rates on the site.  Conversion is a standard e-commerce metric that measures those who visit and those who buy.  I aim to get you all more buyers. 

The top important features were multiple shopping carts, the item creation process, and ability to do bulk updates.  Not far behind was the forum and community site.  Suggestions?  No shortage of those.  Lots of respondents were in favor of better browsing options for buyers.  And we’re working away on some ideas there.  A bunch of folks wanted to make the offer process easier.  And there was no shortage of requests for more promotion of the site and traffic. 

And that’s just a sampling.  I’m sure there are suggestions that many of you made that aren’t reflected here.  I tried to hit the highlights and items that were most common.  If I mentioned each suggestion this blog post would never end! 

Lastly, I want to thank everyone for participating.  We’re working feverishly on a number of projects to get you guys more sales.  You’ll start seeing some of our efforts and tests very soon.  On a somewhat related note, many of you were kind enough to welcome Blake to the team.  He’s been kicking tail here on some of these very projects.  More specifics as we get close to releasing our changes!


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39 responses to Seller survey highlights

sofyblu2 says: 07/16/10 at 10:17:03

Thanks Alex. On behalf of MANY of us…is there any way possible to get the FedEx calculator to work for large and heavy items? We are desperate and this is really hurting our sales. Please feel free to contact me. Mary

loristhisandthat says: 07/16/10 at 10:41:52

Thanks Alex for the update! “I aim to get you all more buyers” woohoo!!

Paceset9999 says: 07/16/10 at 10:53:42

Thank you, Alex. Appreciate it! Also, a very simple thing to get more buyers to see our whole booths would be to change the teeny tiny little letters on the right side of an item that says, “Other Items” to BIG LETTERS-SEE OTHER ITEMS
Please, this would be so simple and pure and would be loved much by both sellers And buyers. :-)

Shake&BakeTrading says: 07/16/10 at 11:05:03

I like the on-going dedication to improving the site.

Indizona says: 07/16/10 at 11:16:17

More buyers… yeah! Thank you for asking us to do the survey!

Rdesigns says: 07/16/10 at 11:16:58

Thanks Alex. Another thing that would be helpful is the ability for those of us who do not use the OBO option to be able to review the order before it is completed. This would allow us to combine shipping on these sales without having to do a refund after the fact. In my case, the combined shipping can vary greatly (and I’m sure that most others are in the same boat) so I can’t really set one blanket shipping policy that would cover it.

HavensRainbow says: 07/16/10 at 11:19:49

Thank you, Alex. I love the idea of making OBO being optimized and everything that you mentioned.

I would truly like to see the shipping calculator worked on for all across the board. From being able to set up a shipping service for the USA while at the same time setting up for a different shipping service for international. Ex: Setting up media calculated shipping for the United States and calculated shipping first class mail for international.

Plus, to be able to calculate correctly for all different types of shipping services that are available. Missing is the parcel post calculated shipping and calculated media mail. We have to put in a fixed price right now for those or no shipping price at all and ask that the customer email us for a shipping price. I am sure others are aware of other missing calculated shipping options.

In order to be completely competitive we need shipping all across the board. Buyers do not like to wait on how much shipping will be. They are deterred if they see a high price of shipping for their area and are smart about that. They know how much shipping should costs, usually.

Thanks so much for joining Bonanzle!!

purpleiris says: 07/16/10 at 11:23:42

I haven’t done the survey, yet, since I’ve been rather busy. I need a bit of time to sit down and remember all of the suggestions I have before doing so.

While Bonanzle overall is a great place to sell, there are several areas that need improving. Of course, increased sales is at the top of that list because there are far too many sellers not seeing any positive results from all their hard work. It seems like there are only a small group of sellers who are doing better than most and even some of them would like to see an improvement in this area.

Anyway, I will get to the survey as soon as I can. I’m just glad to hear something good is coming from ones already submitted. I just wish more focus was being placed on those who aren’t having much success, but I do understand that they need to be making their own voices heard.

Thanks Alex.

stitchncraft says: 07/16/10 at 11:31:33

Thanks Alex. Looking forward to new things.
Makes me want to list more. So I better get busy.

pennipete says: 07/16/10 at 11:46:14

Thanks Alex! And ditto to what Rdesigns posted:

“Thanks Alex. Another thing that would be helpful is the ability for those of us who do not use the OBO option to be able to review the order before it is completed. This would allow us to combine shipping on these sales without having to do a refund after the fact. In my case, the combined shipping can vary greatly (and I’m sure that most others are in the same boat) so I can’t really set one blanket shipping policy that would cover it.”

momspennies says: 07/16/10 at 11:46:51

Thanks for the update on the surveys Alex. I think I speak for all of us when I say how much we appreciate the fact that management takes the time to listen to our suggestions and acts on them to improve the usability of the venue. In time, I am confident all the details and developments will come together to make one mean green shopping machine.

We thank you for all you are doing to help us reach our goals.

Vintagemaven says: 07/16/10 at 12:37:37

Thanks much Alex for this update. Didn’t get a chance to take the survey as for some reason it said I already had, when I hadn’t but these things happen.

In addition, I commend you and thank you for explaining things in your post by explaining in layman’s terms what some things are, as I am not at all a tech savvy person and some geeky things go right over my head.

So because I was not able to do the survey, let me just point out here what I would have suggested.

A much easier Make a Best Offer system and radio button
so that buyers understand how it works and are not intimidated by how it works and what it looks like. Specifically speaking, it should say Make Your Best Offer rather than OBO much like the bay features. In fact the way the bay has it is really the way I would like to see it here. Very easy to do and understand.

As someone else mentioned above,a better way to do review offers or combined sales so that there need not be any refunding done and that it works effortlessly.

A place to add a handling charge in the calculator.As well as offering media mail, first class mail etc so that a seller can offer multiple types of shipping if they want all in one listing.

The ability to have some items be paid with only one method than all one offers.
For instance, offer paypal and money orders on some items, and only money orders on other items without having to have a separate booth for that.

Have some tutorial videos here for buyers here so that they can click on and watch so they can see how to buy, check out and do an offer and so on. And it should be at the top of the page where they can readily find it so they do not have to hunt around to find it. I would also put the find a seller/user at the top in a tab and make it clickable so that buyers coming in from other sites are not at a loss as to how to navigate things here.

The ability to type in a item number at the top and do a search that way.

And lastly, yes, buyers are desperately needed here. I can not stress that enough.
I see the same products here that are listed on the bay and they should be selling here if they are selling there.

Sorry this is so long, but I wanted a chance to express myself as I missed the survey.
BTW- most of my items come from thrift stores and garage sales and estate sales.

Again thank you for the update.It is appreciated.

DS520Diecast says: 07/16/10 at 13:14:13

Thanks Alex. Looking forward to all the great improvemts you all are working on. And, thanks for listening to us!

SunflowerAntics says: 07/16/10 at 14:30:09

Thanks for letting us know of the outcome of the survey so fast! Really appreciate what you are do’n for our Bonanzle Family!

STBThreadworks says: 07/16/10 at 15:11:02

Bill, there are two things that I would really like to see that I don’t know that the survey addressed. Thanks for taking a moment to peruse:

1) A Bonanzle in-house team that can troubleshoot to see what is hanging up our booths from sales. You say in your review that most reported lots of sales. That isn’t true of us. But, we don’t want other sellers critiquing us. We would like some good, solid Bonanzle technical advice on what’s going awry. Connected with that, a forum that is tacked to the top of all forums for technical issues. It takes so long to FIND forums, and then to READ through the scores of pages to find something. I’d love to see technical advice come from Bonanzle technical advisers. Right now, we’re only GUESSING that the information given by well meaning sellers is the right information. Personally, I have lost a lot of hours trying stuff that had absolutely no effect on our sales.

2) I’d love to be able to see successful sellers and what they are doing to achieve success in sales here. With e-Ville, you can use TeraPeak or other resources to see who is selling what and how much. Perhaps give us a means of easily finding these folks and trying to implement some of their best practices into our own. Not to copy cat. Just to compare our own practices to theirs and to see where we fall short, thereby having fewer sales.

Thanks for listening. I think the survey was a great idea. Some useful tools to help us get up to snuff would be great. It just chaps our hide every time the sale comes from somewhere else and we mostly delete items here instead of the sales coming here first.

silverspoon says: 07/16/10 at 15:58:59

A big Thank You!! Would like to second (or third?) what Rdesigns mentioned. That would tremendously help some of us figure the combined shipping cost of our items!

RayvensRarities says: 07/16/10 at 17:20:55

Thanks for this opportunity. I think it was a good idea. I’d also like to say again, since I Believe I was one that took the survey.
A lot of us would really encourage you admin people to consider doing some targeted advertising. Word of mouth and us pumping the site up all over the internet can only go so far.
Ebay DID NOT get to be a household name by just it’s sellers going out and advertising.
And this site will not gain in that kind of popularity without some advertising on some sort of major venue.

I’m not saying a months worth of advertising, but a few ads here and there would go a long way to getting this site more widely known.
Thank you

Studio7 says: 07/16/10 at 20:57:12

Thanks for asking and thanks for sharing the results! And thank Bill for putting together such a great team

renagade says: 07/17/10 at 01:31:13

There are so many good things that can be done with Bonanzle, the possiabilies are endless.
Look forward to seeing what is in store, just remember, K.I.S.S. ….Keep it simple stupid …. The simplicty is what makes this site awesome!

Foxy_Lady_Boutique says: 07/17/10 at 04:45:49

Thank you Alex for the update.
The team behind the BOYZ don’t get enough credit, and you are doing a great job.
Bonanzle is still in its baby stages, but comparing it to ebays first years, we’ve been kicking butt for quite some time.
Its been an honor to be a part of this family.


jacksplace says: 07/17/10 at 09:26:31


RM1Gordon says: 07/17/10 at 09:44:43

Thanks, always happy with improvements. A easier ‘Make and Offer’ process would be nice, along with a quicker way to locate a specific user on the home page..

BookbinEtc says: 07/17/10 at 10:33:16

Thanks for the update, Alex.

A lot of sellers don’t spend their time on the forums; some may not even know they exist. Can you send a survey to all active booth owners? That would get you a much more complete set of answers, than just the people who happened to notice the survey on the boards. Even many who DO read forums, don’t notice the blog entries, etc. at the top.

I think it is very important to get input from those who AREN"T selling, or not selling much. It’s more productive to keep a customer you already have, than keep finding new ones. If we can help those sellers become successful here, they will bring more business here, and be much more complimentary in their comments about the site. Every one who leaves the site in disgust or disappointment, will tell everyone they know ‘how bad it is’, rather than inviting their friends to join them here.

digitaldoodlebug says: 07/17/10 at 18:45:04

thanks for the update. it’s great that you guys are actually getting out opinion on things

liberty925 says: 07/17/10 at 19:06:15

I have to interject here that I don’t understand why people are having such a problem with making an offer. I bought two things today, made an offer and it went thru’ smooth as glass. The whole process seemed very clear to me. She responded back in less than 5 minutes and it was a done deal. I guess I’m not seeing what the problem is, but there must be one that I can’t see, since it is being brought up so much, even in this thread.

Anyhow, as usual the Bonanzle team is doing a splendid job of responding to people’s concerns. Rome wasn’t built in a day!

bogcandle says: 07/17/10 at 21:17:34

Thank you, Alex!

Glad you asked the questions and thrilled you listened. Looking forward to more sales as this site gets better and better.

alexwberg says: 07/18/10 at 12:05:03

Thanks for the continued feedback everyone. I have some work to do myself ‘as a new guy’ in getting to know the offer process well. It’s certainly on my list. Keep your eyes out for a new blog update soon!

EuropeanGoodies says: 07/18/10 at 12:30:26

Thanks for the update, Alex… an interesting read from top to bottom.
I’m patiently waiting and advertising Bonanzle since almost 2 years – so I can wait a little longer for things to pick up, for buyers to come. They will, eventually

eyecatchingbeauty says: 07/18/10 at 15:37:30

Edited to clarify for those asking me questions

1) I would like to see inline editing included in the batch editor so I can change item quantity go down the list & submitting the entire page as it is now I have to select the items with identical quantities which can be very time consuming and cause errors. The ability to revise titles in batch edit would really make our (seller’s) job a lot easier, because title revisions are a constant task.

In the image above you can see there are inputs I can change in a bulk edit type of UI rather than going into each listing to revise the titles I can change them right in the batch edit tool. Same with changing quantities. When I take inventory I adjust quantities as needed, but of course to know the quantity in the listing I have to either open each listing to make the changes if needed or use the batch edit selecting all items that I have only 2 of and set the quantity – same for 1, 3, 4, 5…. it is very time consuming either way and through the batch edit I can accidentally check the right item applying an inaccurate quantity – causing me to over sell – potentially receiving a fat neg as well as a guaranteed loss of a return buyer or reconsideration at a later time.

2) I would like to see a left nav bar added inside the listings.

this is a left nav

as you can see I am in my product listing and the categories are visible. We do not have a left navigation in our product pages. A left nav is hugely helpful in encouraging visitors to browse your other items….

3) I would like to have the ability to create custom sub-cats that drill down 3 levels.

In the above image you can see my custom categories as well as my custom subcategories and their depth. Custom sub-cats means to create a my own category > then within my custom category add my own custom sub-category > then within that sub-category I can add another and so on

4) I would like to see the condition option added back into the listing form, because most people don’t know how to apply it through the batch edit.

5) I would like to see the item traits applied as attributes be optional as well as a clear all feature in the attribute menu in the batch edit.

For those who have never had to strip out bad attributes I can tell you it is a real pain and very time consuming. For each attribute you have to copy the attribute applied to the listing (you have to copy it otherwise you might not typoe it in exact then it won’t remove it) go up to the remove attribute box add the [[pastetheattribute]] for every attribute. Of course for listings with the same attribute to be removed you would check all of those.

  • same attribute has identical properties and values such as

in one listing &
[[color:pink]] in another

With a clear all option I would be able to select the listings and remove all attributes regardless of value in the listing – like delete all attributes


  • I would like to see the traits rewritten to conform to Google’s acceptable values – including the product_type attribute matching Google’s taxonomy rather than eBay’s mess.

Google specifies acceptable values for certain attributes – the values not included in the acceptable values will be used but they may not show up in some product sorts. Best to have listings fit lock & key with Google’s database categories for optimal results

  • the (,) needs to be an acceptable character in the attribute form

Some product_type attributes that Google suggest to be used in it’s product_type taxonomy have a comma. Bonanzle’s attribute editor will not accept a value with a comma – it needs too – lock & key again

7) I would like to see sub client accounts added to the Google merchant account to give sellers access to know errors in our product listings so we can fix them.

Clarification: I would like to have access to the sub-client account for my Google Products Feed so I can view what items have been disapproved and why so they can be fixed.

8)I would like
Amazon simple pay

Revolution Money Exchange


9)I would like the kaboodle & stylefeeder share buttons added. Actually it would be best to have the addthis widget added to the site

the widget in a clear visible location. I have to tell people (sellers) far too often where to find the twitter & facebook buttons

Also, the toolbox should be visible to visitors not registered and logged in. After all we (sellers, Bonanzle, and buyers looking for a great place to shop and recommend) need the products/booths to be syndicated to as many sites as one might want to use. The addthis widget is the best tool for syndication.

10) I would like for Bill to get rid of the obscene green shade overpowering MyBonanzle page so I can tolerate being logged into my account.


  • I would like the ability to add metadata/tags to my listings and pages – including the ability to add site verification meta content

The ability to add the metadata as well as the backlinks allow us to

  • Open merchant accounts on thefind to load our own feeds (the Google Products Format) so our items are listed accurately & optimally and we can create coupons to be listed on thefind. theFind will never bother cleaning up the mess of the feed it fetches – why would it there isn’t a backlink & it is second only to Google Shopping as the largest shopping comparison site. It is to our benefit to make optimal use of the opportunity.


metadata/tags is inserted in the web docs head and is not visible in the rendered page. You can view the metadata by click view in your browser tool bar & selecting view page source

this is what it looks like

Search engines use metadata for various reasons and it is the only way (we) would be able to add verification codes to satisfy sites like thefind so we can use them optimally

  • I would like the booth panels or a booth footer added for adding backlinks for thefind, tjoos, and any other valuable tool.

12) I would like to have feeds formatted to conform to the specifications required for the various shopping comparison sites shopzilla, become….

I’ll add to the list as things come to mind

Another thought

alt text to our images – we need to be able to add this for accessibility purposes as well as for image search engines.

stuff says: 07/18/10 at 16:09:08

I would like to see the ability to add reciprocal links

Juliebabe25 says: 07/18/10 at 16:45:08

Great Survey
Thanks for the chance to participate and nice to see the response. (although I only saw it due to a forum post!)

Yes tidy up the forums, the two selling ones could be combined.

Bootsies says: 07/18/10 at 17:10:36

Guilty, did not do the survey, sorry, but in addition to all the great ideas (and ECB’s are AMAZING!!), could we please somehow be able to add in actual names of brands? Other is a killer, and we have some really great items with known name brands, just not the ones allowed.

We especially like the idea of bulk editing like a spreadsheet items, number, shipping prices, attributes. As it is now, it takes hours to do a line;o) (page) of them, first picking all the red ones, then the lady ones, etc.

Please know we are very impressed with the new tools and awesome growth on Bonanzle!!! Thank you!!

carolyn & Bootsie

stylemuse says: 07/18/10 at 21:36:03

Thanks for posting the results so far Alex and appreciate all the efforts in making this a more efficient site. I also have to agree “ECB” does have a lot of valid and amazing ideas that would be most beneficial to Bonanzle.

Starfisher says: 07/19/10 at 05:38:17

Thanks for the update on the survey and asking for our thoughts on improving Bonanzle in the first place. It is nice to be included as Bonanzle continues to grow and improve. Reading the responses was interesting as well. There are some excellent suggestions. Keep up the good work.

yeshuazgirl says: 07/19/10 at 07:06:35

Thanks so much Alex! & Thank you too Eye Catching Beauty!!!!
Awesome synopsis of great and much needed features and abilities here! especially an inline editor and metatags! woo hoo!!! MUWAH x0x0×0×0

belmodo says: 07/19/10 at 10:22:58

That rocks Alex! I love this website, I want this website to be my permanent place to sell, I have hundreds of items to list, everyone here wants Bonanzle to be successful. Please advertise this website, no one knows it exists. Also the listing process is painfully slow, pleeese fix the photo uploader.

MNblarneystone says: 07/19/10 at 14:23:41

Amen to all of the above!! Kudos to Alex, for diving in and listening, and helping immediately. … ECB… I have no idea what you were asking for, but if it helps the site, I want it too. lol…

My request is added to the list, PLEASE some hard core advertising… We started asking for that a long time ago, and memberships were born of it. A nation of cheer leaders is never going to get us taken seriously enough to have people say I bought it on Bonanzle… I work every day doing some sort of promo work for the site, and even have an independent web site, directed here. Please help us make this just BUST OUT!!

We have the frame work, and I realize that we still have a lot of plumbing and wiring and sheet rock to attend to until we have a finished pulsing product, but is does seen that there are many redundant fixes being requested.

I also agree with BookbinEtc. Forum readers are most likely to have taken this survey. All sellers probably should have been offered the opportunity to participate. They also might possibly be the ones that do not sell as much, and could give you a better bigger picture of the sellers perspective.

One or two ads, in your face kinda stuff, could just light the fuse… just my two cents…


kayceestudios says: 07/20/10 at 07:38:52

I forgot to add in to my survey that it would be great to be able to edit items straight from the item page. It is aggravating to see a mistake or something you need to update while viewing an item, then have to fuss around and get into edit mode to change it. A revise or edit link on the item would be awesome

eyecatchingbeauty says: 07/21/10 at 13:42:10

Here is the link to the retailer information for Kaboodle

I second kayceestudios request to be able to edit from the listing

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