Need some advice on a set of china

I have a full 8 piece set of blue china made in Japan. If it like the rest of the items in this foreclosure sale I acquired, I know it is probably from the 50’s or 60’s. I do not believe there is any markings.. I am just looking for some ideas of where I might look for it’s value…I have no clue on this one. Thanks

asked about 13 years ago

8 Answers

Hi, Could you put a picture on of it?

answered about 13 years ago

Picture would be helpful ;)

answered about 13 years ago is where I have my best luck. Post a picture though because many people know what stuff is even with out the marks. But if no one knows off hand, then go to Replacements and in their search bar, just put in blue china, or porcelain or stoneware, whatever it’s made of. And if it’s dark blue, light blue, aqua instead of just blue. You can get lucky sometimes.

answered about 13 years ago

I also do that type of search as johngermaine suggested on Bonanza itself and Ebay. Also do Google images search with that same type of description—blue china with flower swirl or whatever and keep narrowing it down. Sometimes you might spot a piece of it somewhere that will have a little more info than you do and even if they don’t have a name maybe some info they have is more than you have and you can add those terms to another search. It takes time but sometimes that has been the only way I can find something! Good Luck!

answered about 13 years ago

Thank you [URL removed] I will take a picture and get it on [URL removed]

answered about 13 years ago

Ditto on what most people are suggestin g as a resource. One word of caution – the prices often are not terribly realistic.

answered about 13 years ago

Go to Do a search on Ebay on some detail about the plate and see if it comes up.

answered about 13 years ago

Can possibly assist once photos are provided

answered almost 13 years ago

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