Does anyone know where i can find information on these watches?

I was cleaning out my dad’s stuff and came upon these watches. Can anyone tell me where I can find information about them and if they are worth anything? Thanks in advance.I hope the pictures show up not really sure how to do that.

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asked about 13 years ago

6 Answers

I am trying to post the photos from photobucket but they are not showing up. I must be doing something wrong. I will try again.

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answered about 13 years ago

Your pictures didn’t show up what is the name on the watches?

answered about 13 years ago

Reputation: 64
See sal2320's booth

Snapdragon, I can’t see what the watches are. But, I will tell you I dealt with the same issue, I’ve had my Dads watches since 1999 when he died, I just kept them. Well one of our fellow sellers had posted in the forum looking for men’s windup watches this year, so I listed mine for $200.00 the lot of them with OBO. Lo and behold I had a potential buyer from out of the country make me a offer of $140.00. I took a step back and figured out I better figure out what I have. Took them to a local watch repair shop, they purchased the lot from me for $150.00, I don’t know if that was a good sale or not, but I’m not in the watch business, and I figure the shop owner will want to make money too, plus he has a client base that I don’t have. My suggestion try what I did.

answered about 13 years ago

Reputation: 44
See tegger's booth

Cross check sold ones at The Dark Side, some are valuable and some are not. There seems to be a market for old watches. I have one old self-winding that will get listed one of these days.

answered about 13 years ago

Here’s a link to a site that will give you a mountain of information on watches.

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answered about 13 years ago

Reputation: 30
See shotsy's booth

What are the names of these watches and are they all made in USA or elsewhere? Does the “third serial number” for any on the back have a 5? If so, then it’s a good one for any good collector buyer (providing it is running)? Good luck

answered about 13 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth
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Viewed: 2846 times

Asked: about 13 years ago

Latest response: about 13 years ago

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