For my next question....arrowheads..a coffee can full of them..

I have a Coffee Tin absolutely full of arrowheads..or at least pieces of stone that have been knapped into edges. Some i am taking an uneducated guess at and saying they are scrapers or skinners, some are points, some are the classic arrowhead look. I have not posted pictures because i do not know what to take a picture of that will be of any assistance. Basically i need to know Where i need to go or what i need to do to find an expert, or figure out for myself what to do with this heavy can of arrowheads. I will happily post pictures, if you will tell me what to take pictures of…a picture of a can full of rocks is not going to help anyone…If i cannot find a rock hound here, i am going to have to make an appt with the natural history museum..and the curator there does not like me very much..i had a bad HELP!!!

No surprise, but the arrowheads are for sale, and if i can find a true expert that will guide me by the hand in this one, i will Give them their cherry pick from the lot. Knowledge with me has a real world value, and i always pay a fair value for anything i get.


asked almost 13 years ago

5 Answers

Wish I could help but can’t. That will be a tedious job if they are from different tribes and different era’s. Good luck.

Am real curious how you got in trouble with the curator [URL removed]

answered almost 13 years ago

I had. a bad. experience.

we had a disagreement over the validity of one of his pieces. He did not appreciate my input, and he was very..expressive? in his displeasure. I was not very happy with his reaction, and brought my own piece in for comparison, which led to an argument that he lost in full view of the visiting public. I am not Banned pre se…but i am not likely to get much help either.. It was a stupid, pointless little argument that blew way out of proportion, but i was right, and too proud to realize that being right in life is largely pointless. i know better now, but the old turd has not retired (or died) so i am just up a creek where the museum is concerned.

answered almost 13 years ago

Check with your local college for an expert, most have one.

answered almost 13 years ago

Yes! try your local college, they should have an expert.

Not sure if this is really true, but says selling arrowheads depending on the age and how they collection was obtained can be illegal. See article [URL removed]

[URL removed]

But there are almost 1,500 of them on eBay, some of them are [URL removed]

[URL removed]

answered almost 13 years ago

Here’s an idea for [URL removed]

[URL removed]

These might at least help you to identify the type of point you have. I live in AZ – we see a lot of points out my way!

answered almost 13 years ago

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Asked: almost 13 years ago

Latest response: almost 13 years ago

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