Does anyone know the manufacturer and or read the painted label?

I have figured out that the top line says Hand Painted the middle word is China but cannot figure out the bottom. Have you seen this pattern on anything else? Assume it is a small Gravy boat? It is about 5 inches long and 2 1/2 inches wide. Any information or guesses are welcome.

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I think this piece is Bavarian, Austrian or German and I would date it back to late 1800s based on what I have seen that is similar. It could be RS Prussia before they started signing. Also there is a fainter number of 348 of something like that on the bottom as well.

asked almost 13 years ago

5 Answers

Most items i’ve seen with a circle marking ,you have to read the bottom word upside down , i can see the first two letters as H I _ _ O C then two initials, hope this helps.. looks to be in early to mid turn of the century…20..30.. or 40’s

answered almost 13 years ago

It’s gorgeous! But I can’t make it out from your picture, it’s not close up enough for me to figure it, and if you had not told me that it says Hand Painted and China, I would not have figured that out. Do you have a close up of the words on the bottom? That last line looks like 2 initials and then another word/name.

[URL removed] Thanks, it looks like “porcelain”, because I can see the last 3 letters are AIN. Old stuff from the 50s is quite often marked “Hand Painted Porcelain” and since you can see it upclose better than us out here, is it possible to be porcelain? The letter next to the A does not look like an L at all!! LOL It does look most like 2 intitals though and a name.

answered almost 13 years ago

We agree that it does seem to [URL removed]

Hand Painted

answered almost 13 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

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Here’s a great source for you – tons of markings, they also have pictures.

answered almost 13 years ago

My husband’s aunt had several pieces like this that she had painted herself so this may have been an item that someone painted. His aunt was in her late 80s when she passed away and she did her items in a class that she took.

answered almost 13 years ago

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Asked: almost 13 years ago

Latest response: almost 13 years ago

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