Does home made items sell better than manufactures items:

Or do craft kits do better? I was enjoying the thought of selling craft wares. Just wondering if I should go into it a little.


asked almost 13 years ago

8 Answers

Hmmmm… just depends!

answered almost 13 years ago

All depends on what people are looking for. So make your handcrafted items and list. The only thing that will not work, is not trying.

answered almost 13 years ago

It depends on the handmade item & the market for it.

I make handmade rosaries, which is huge on the Internet. I also dabble from time to time with handmade jewelry (specifically Rainbow Bridge bracelets for pet owners) which can also be a big seller.

Try your handmade items & test the market. Remember to make sure to point out why your handmade items are better than other handmade and/or prefab ones. Don’t criticize, just point out the bennies like quality, variety, made just for you, etc.

answered almost 13 years ago

There is no way to know which items sell the best. I have new, vintage, handmade, and others, and it seems that the ones I least expect to sell are the ones that go first.

answered almost 13 years ago

I love homemade items, especially homemade shopping bags, :D

answered almost 13 years ago

as a general business rule, the more different revenue streams you can generate the better. Different revenue streams will reduce the variance in your cash flow. The downside is that it is much more work, and you are not likely to get the maximum profitability possible for each different venture. This is because your time, effort and resources are spread thin among your various revenue generating models. I might be over explaining, but maybe someone on here did not know this.


answered almost 13 years ago

I sell much handmade online and prefer to buy quality handmade items.

answered almost 13 years ago

I sell handmade and do very well. i think it depends on the items and also on YOUR following. it took me about 6 years of selling for people to know my product and for my business to take off……….now I can’t keep up! if it is something you want to do then TRY IT!!

answered almost 13 years ago

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Asked: almost 13 years ago

Latest response: almost 13 years ago

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