What is this antique iron kitchen? item pat. 1884

Does anyone recognize this item? It is solid cast iron, and it is marked Pat. Mar. 1884.
I think it’s something to do with shaping tarts or pastry shells, but not sure. It has an overall length of 7", and the round part is about 3" in diameter.

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Thanks for any ideas and help with this!

asked almost 13 years ago

4 Answers

I think it is A Rosette printer; from the 1850’s- 1890’s.
you can also look up the patent date via googles patent .
usually found under crimpers & jaggers and kitchenalia

answered almost 13 years ago

Hi, don’t know what your item is, but I found a website that you could send a pic to and they may be able to help you. They specialize in Historic Kitchen equipment.

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answered almost 13 years ago

Reputation: 52
See FabFinds' booth

is it for sell?

answered almost 13 years ago

Reputation: 629

Thanks, Barntiques for your reply! I had forgotten about google’s patent search. I had tried searching on the government patent office website, but I wasn’t able to get the pictures, etc. to load. Google’s patent search makes much easier to search.

I’ve looked at hundreds of items on google patents, so many items that I got one of these notices, [URL removed]
“Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network. This page checks to see if it’s really you sending the requests, and not a robot”

Still haven’t found it, it’s a bit tricky without a specific date, I have only the month and year, March 1884. Tried using key words, too, with no luck.

FabFinds, thanks for that link, will check it out!

Process, it will be for sale, sooner or later….

answered almost 13 years ago

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Asked: almost 13 years ago

Latest response: almost 13 years ago

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