Royal doulton dickens "character mug"

I have a Royal Doulton mug that is from the Dickens character series. I’ve id’ed him as Mr. Micawber from David Copperfield. I’ve found several that are either the very small ones or even the ones that are just over 3" high. This one is flawless and is approx. 4 1/4" tall.
Can somebody point me in a direction of how I’d find out more about when this was made, what it might be worth, etc.? I’ve found similar ones (same size, different characters) on internet priced at around $125. I don’t want to price us out of the market, but also don’t want to give him away either!

Editing to add, thank you all so very much for your helpful info! I’ve learned so much already, and will see if I can find the “Century of Royal Doulton” book through my local library!

asked almost 13 years ago

Reputation: 128
See loneelk's booth
6 Answers

Try this [URL removed]

[URL removed]

I put in Micawber in the search box, and got these [URL removed]

[URL removed]

and then clicked on the one that says mid size and got this [URL removed]

Designed by Leslie Harradine & Harry Fenton
Part of the Charles Dickens’ Characters Collection

Mr. Micawber Mid D5843 – H. 4.25 in. – Issued [phone number removed]
[URL removed]

answered almost 13 years ago

How to Tell When a Royal Doulton Mug Was Made @>

[URL removed]

answered almost 13 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

I researched a few pieces for a friend a few years back and found a collector’s web site that had pics and explanations of the items. You might see if it is still around.

answered almost 13 years ago

Without a picture I’m not sure of the exact one you have but try googling Royal Doulton Toby Jugs, you might find the information you are looking for.

answered almost 13 years ago

Reputation: 64
See sal2320's booth

I’ve done both of those (googled RD Toby Jugs and tried to find a specific web site), but still haven’t been able to find info about when my particular one was created? Is there such a thing as an encyclopedia of Royal Doulton that I might be able to find through a library?
I saw one just like mine on _bay about a year ago, but there was no real info about it, just obvious that it was the same design and even same size. That was the only other one I’d ever seen that size in that pattern. The seller in that situation was the daughter of original owner who was liquidating her father’s collection of Toby jugs, and didn’t seem to know much except that her father had a huge collection that he’d accumulated over MANY years.
I appreciate your help!

answered almost 13 years ago

Reputation: 128
See loneelk's booth

I’ve recently come across several Royal Doulton vintage figurines and have found that Pascoe and Company, as TimeSpanTreasures says, is the best resource.

answered almost 13 years ago

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Asked: almost 13 years ago

Latest response: almost 13 years ago

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