Quickbooks pro installation

I’m considering purchasing QB Pro 2010 3 user license. I already have a single user copy. I’m working with a disaster recovery effort and want to use QB in a data entry effort. I need to put my QB database on a server and allow all 4 users to use the database simultaneously. Is that possible? Thanx!

asked about 14 years ago

Reputation: 10
4 Answers

Not sure. but I do know that quick books has a web based product that I’ve tried. its a bit expensive as its around $30 per month. But all of the info is web based and may support multiple users. Hope this helps some. you can check it out on their website!

answered about 14 years ago

I’ve been a QB user since 1997 version and have worked on just about every version of it (Pro, Premier, Enterprise, and even the online versin) and am considered a Pro at it. With the licensing, if you have a single user license and purchase a 3 user license you will be able to have as many people logged into the same database as you have licensing. When you call to purchase the additional 3 user license, be sure you buy the 3 user license and not upgrade your current license from a single user to a 3 user. If you upgrade, you’ll only have 3 licenses, when you will need 4 to be logged into the same database at the same time. You will need to make sure that you get the same verions (i.e. If you have 2010 Pro, you wont be able to use 2010 Premier).

Are you using a stand alone server with computers connected or a terminal server environment?

Contact me if you need any help or have any other questions.

answered about 14 years ago

There are several answers to this question, most of them technical. If you have a 3 user license, and more than 3 people attempt to access or use the database at the same time, one of them may receive a message such as “User limit does not allow more than 3 people to access this program at one time,” or something like that. Another Bonz member has already addressed the issues with that.

But that masks an underlying technical problem that may come into play even if you have an unlimited license. What happens when two or more people try to use the same data at the same time? “File locking” is what happens. The system must protect data from being changed when two people attempt to change a data point at the same time; after all, which user has the correct, current data? But file locking may occur at different levels, depending on how the systemn is designed. It may occur at a high level, such as a customer name. Or it may occur at a lower level, such as invoice entry. The documentation may tell you exactly where the lock is applied, but regardless of where, one user is going to receive a “file locked” message, or something like it, if two or more are trying to act on the same hunk of data at the samwe time.

But all of this ignores a more fundamental question as to why QB should be used as a database for a disaster recovery effort in the first place. Facially, it would appear that Excel (or Google Docs) would be a better choice, but that’s just my take. Given that Google Docs is free, and allows collaborative effort, I would consider it.

The rest, my friend, is up to you.

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 197
See jsgeare's booth

Thanks jsg for the input. Great question thou!

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth
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Viewed: 3682 times

Asked: about 14 years ago

Latest response: about 14 years ago

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