Bonanza fee and profit calculator?

Just learned of the Bonanza Fee and Profit Calculator. How accurate is it? Does anyone use it?


asked over 8 years ago

4 Answers

I Googled “Bonanza Fee and Profit Calculator” and found one by salescalc that is NOT affiliated with Bonanza. Is that the one you are referring to?

Throw in the fact that there is a 50 cent minimum FVF and that sellers can choose between 3.5% (no advertising) and 9%, 13% and 30% advertising rates and the Bonanza Fee and Profit Calculator is useless because it only has the 3.5% option in play.

That salecalc website will only be accurate on fees if the seller doesn’t do any paid advertising for their Bonanza items. Then, the calculator would properly reflect the 3.5% FVF that Bonanza would charge that seller. Of course, the minimum fee charged by Bonanza would affect the actual FVF percentage paid. For example, a sale price of $6 results in a fee of 50 cents (that’s without paid advertising). That means that the seller is going to pay a FVF percentage of 8.33%. Unless a seller’s sale amount exceeds $14.29, the FVF percentage will always exceed the minimum of 3.5% charged in FVF.

However, if the seller has upped their commission rate (let’s say to 9%), then there is no way to know in advance what final commission rate will be charged. That’s because the FVF percentage will depend on how many looks/clicks it takes to sell that item. The FVF % be anywhere from 3.5% to 9% (the seller’s maximum choice). That makes the calculator useless IMO.

answered over 8 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth


MomentsInThyme says: March 27, 2016

Learn something new everyday. Thank you! Rita momentsinthyme

EmbellishMart says: March 27, 2016

Makes sense to me.

Yes, that is the one. Thanks for the detailed information. Greatly helpful.

answered over 8 years ago

I think I can of understand the salescalc calculations.
To start with, the minimum $0.50. It does not matter what advertisement level you choose, you will not pay more than minimum $0.50 fee. This means even for elite level ad you will still pay $0.50 which means that for anything $1.68 or less, you will pay only $0.50, whether you pick the 3.5% standard level or 30% elite level. For items more than $1.68 you will also pay the percentage of the ad level you choose, but it will be more than $0.50. I hope that is understandable.

Now, for the shipping price, if it is $10 or less, it will not count towards the total charges. Hence, it will not affect the $0.50 minimum fees, meaning you will still only pay $0.50. If shipping charge is more than $10, say $12, then only the extra $2 will count towards the total charge. For example; in the case of items selling at $1.68 and $12 shipping charge at 30% elite level, you will [URL removed]

($1.68+$2.00)x30% = $1.10 fee.

However, this $1.10 fee does not include payment processing fee. PayPal for example, will charge their fees on the total amount paid, which is (($1.68+$12)x2.9%) + $0.30.

Don’t be confused by the Standard Fee (3.5%) and Maximum Advertising Fee. It is just a breakdown of the total $1.10 Bonanza fee, which actually clears that they actually calculate them separate. However, both add up to the percentage ad level chosen.

This is my understanding of the salescalc fee calculator. It does not reflect how Bonanza calculate their fees. In fact, I am not even sure if that is exactly how salescalc calculates the fees.

I hope all is cleared.


answered over 3 years ago

Reputation: 12
See dmaxdas' booth

Payment processing fee ? i use the 13% sales fee

when i sold an itim for 38$ why i get charged $ 11.31 fee at last ?

when i calculate i sell itim for 38$ than it must be sale fee $ 4.94

so from where comes the $ 11.31 ?

answered over 3 years ago

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