Csv import

I’ve managed to import 21 items but can’t import anymore. Is there a daily limit or something? I have had quite a few errors trying to advertise these to Ebay and Google

asked almost 8 years ago

1 Comment

wisdombegins says: August 13, 2016

I’m new here and I didn’t have any problems importing over 32k items to my booth. It does take time for Bonanza to update all the items and make sure if you are new to bonanza to take out the check mark of payment types “accept credit cards” for this isn’t available to new users. I hope this helped.

4 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hi Desert_Rose_Boutique,
Thanks for writing. It looks like you were able to get your items imported with your CSV file. However, we noticed you have separate listings for each size. You can combine all your sized into one listing by choosing Many Sizes on the New Item Form. If you need any help with this just contact us at [email protected]. We’d be happy to help.

answered almost 8 years ago

I’m new here and I didn’t have any problems importing over 32k items to my booth. It does take time to update all the items and then bonanza has to approve them too.One more thing, make sure if you are new to bonanza to take out the check mark of payment types “accept credit cards” for this isn’t available to new users. I hope this helped.

answered almost 8 years ago

thanks, yes vey helpful. strange things are happening though. Importing images via csv now only works with [URL removed] where the instructions state that it must be [URL removed]

answered almost 8 years ago

1 Comment

Desert_Rose_Boutique says: August 18, 2016

turns out Ebay were limiting me to 10 items/mth

hi. how can i import 4 images? is this ok? [URL removed] ?
or something other format?

answered almost 8 years ago

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Asked: almost 8 years ago

Latest response: almost 8 years ago

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