Did you 'get anything' from the webinar?

Nothing new for me. But I will keep using these Webinars, just in case they come up with something novel.

asked over 5 years ago


QuakerMaid_VooDoo says: November 01, 2018

It seemed just like one long advertisement for ShipStation.

bargainbuffet4you says: November 01, 2018

I agree. Since Mark Dorsey from Bonanza had a small part, I was hoping that our Director of Happiness would have a larger part. Would love to see “how to” Bonanza videos on YouTube. Bonanza has 2 videos on YouTube with a whooping 30 subscribers..both 3 years old.

bargainbuffet4you says: November 01, 2018

I really want Bonanza to succeed, then we all succeed. I’ve even thought of doing some basic YT videos to attract more to this venue. We are so near yet so far from a great marketplace. Sometimes I think I want B to succeed more than they do.

bargainbuffet4you says: November 01, 2018

Here’s a great video example like the type I wish Bonanza would have. [URL removed] on Google Attributes. A Bonanza employee did it and was interviewed by someone else but it’s 7 years old. Would be such help to have videos like this in a central location.

EmpressDepot says: November 01, 2018

When they mentioned international sales, I was trying to figure out how I wanted to put a question in on international but I did not have enough time to think about how I wanted the question to come out.

EmpressDepot says: November 01, 2018

I’ve been curious about international sales ever since I saw a post Mark had done saying that adding international sales might help.

EmpressDepot says: November 01, 2018

My question would have been something like this…In total sales, how much percentage of that is for international sales on Bonanza?

EmpressDepot says: November 01, 2018

Bargainbuffet, it would have been really cool if Mark and Bill (director of happiness) would have been on the webinar. I cannot think of two people other than them that would have made the webinar a huge success. There would have been a lot of excitement, especially with plenty of notice.

EmpressDepot says: November 01, 2018

Maybe next year or in the summer when moods can be blue.

ib30667 says: November 02, 2018

Bonanza has such potential for being bigger and better than Ebay provided they keep the reality real. For some reason they are just hell bent on no advertising. For as long as Bonanza has been around I still run into people who have never heard of this place. Even big sellers on other venues.

ib30667 says: November 02, 2018

If they implement an “auction” style listing format this place might take off. The problem here is there is ZERO TRAFFIC. I get “item views” galore but no sales? It has to be mostly bots. We need REAL humans .

BookbinEtc says: November 02, 2018

I don’t think people not knowing about Bonanza means much. Lots of people have never heard of Etsy either.

BookbinEtc says: November 02, 2018

I don’t see auction listings making a difference either. Most people have heard of ebay and if they want auctions, they’ll likely go there

ib30667 says: November 03, 2018

If more people knew about Bonanza, they may be more inclined to stop by. Not everyone likes Ebay and Amazon, but they go their because it’s familiar.

ib30667 says: November 03, 2018

Auctions are what made Ebay big. Many people would prefer an auction. You can get great deals from auctions.

2 Answers
I was hoping that our Director of Happiness would have a larger part. [URL removed]

answered over 3 years ago

Reputation: 14

Excellent article. Very interesting to read. I really love to read such a nice article. Thanks! keep rocking. traverse city used cars [URL removed]

answered over 3 years ago

Reputation: 12
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