Dierections for putting picture and link in chat thread, please

I keep losing the directions!

I do solemnly swear that, if you give them to me one more time, I will print them out and tape them right over my computer monitor.

Please do me this kindness, and bear in mind that I am a total computer illiterate.



asked about 8 years ago


misskeech says: June 02, 2016

Did you get it cshort?

cshort0319 says: June 02, 2016

I seem to be missing something terribly important here – or several things, actually. 1. Does this only work on pictures that currently reside on the internet? If so, I don’t seem able to scroll down and click on properties for an item I’d like to use as my text.

Policequilts says: June 02, 2016

Carolyn, You should be able to right click a picture on the internet, hover down to “Properties” and click on that. This should bring up the URL to copy.

Policequilts says: June 02, 2016

I don’t use Photo Bucket or any other photo services, but when I post the pictures of my garden, I upload them to Bonanza. I will “add listings”, add what photos I want to post from my computer. I make a note in the title using date and how many photos that are in that listing. I DO NOT finish the

Policequilts says: June 02, 2016

listing. Then I click on those pictures to get the URL. After 6 months, I will delete the pictures of the unfinished listing. I hope this helps.

2 Answers

Right click on picture to copy over.
Scroll down and click on properties.
Copy URL

Posting in thread
use exclamation marks before and after the URL without spaces
! [URL removed] !

Same thing above but without spaces between exclamation marks

![URL removed]

How did you get there?

Do Not use duct tape when taping.

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered about 8 years ago


Policequilts says: June 02, 2016


Policequilts says: June 02, 2016

Carolyn, only on internet pictures.

Policequilts says: June 02, 2016

Gheesss Stop hitting a return LOL

Carolyn do you understand the procedure? Here’s a PIC of what it looks like when you either type it all out or type an exclamation point, PASTE (after you COPY) the URL (which is the internet address) and then type another exclamation point. As Bette says, NO spaces between exclamation points and URL (or the http) and the pic you want showing in a post on Bonanza should look like this when you’re posting [URL removed]
![URL removed]

If you want the PIC to BE A LINK back to YOUR BOOTH – then do the [URL removed]
![URL removed]
DO the exclamation thingie, and then type a colon, and then type or copy/paste where your booth is located-once again, NEVER HIT THE SPACE BAR while doing this. In the example above right after the word and slash where you see ‘’booths/’’ you should have YOUR OWN BOOTH name, if you do it all correctly, the pic becomes a link to your booth. I sure hope all this helps you, it’s why I included ’’visuals’’

Actually I hope this helps ANYone who doesn’t know or remember HOW TO. . .Have a Great Day everyone!

answered about 8 years ago

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