Does anyone know how i can disconnect an ebay account

I’m still having issues with items popping up that I previously deleted and now, one of my items went back to the old listing, even though I updated photos and description yesterday.

I’m just about ready to quit this site as I’m not having any sales on here AND it’s simply too much of a hassle.
Hopefully the Bozo staff is reading this and does something to correct this.
The only reason I haven’t quit yet is because I’ve spent so much time making these listings.

asked about 4 years ago

2 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hello QuakerMaid,

Welcome to the Bonanza Community,

We recommend updating your sync settings to Remove all items that were removed from eBay, regardless of why the listing is no longer active (sold, manually ended, expired, etc).

To update your sync settings, visit the “Selling > Import from eBay”

Set the Remove items option to “Remove all items that were removed from eBay”

-Click the green button to “Save changes and start importing” so that your sync settings are updated.

The next time the sync runs it will remove any ended or sold items that are no longer active on eBay.

If you need additional support please email our support team and they will be glad to assist you further. [email protected]

Thank you and Happy Selling!
Kind Regards
Bonanza Support

answered about 4 years ago

If you haven’t done the following two things, do [URL removed]

1. Turn off eBay syncing if you are using that (assuming you imported your eBay items).
2. Clear the cache settings in your browser so that you make sure that you are loading a CURRENT page of your Bonanza Booth.

answered about 4 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth

1 Comment

QuakerMaid_VooDoo says: April 05, 2020

I’m having an issue finding the place to turn off the syncing.

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Viewed: 917 times

Asked: about 4 years ago

Latest response: about 4 years ago

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