Anyone have a good reliable link for looking up the value of old books?

Hi all,

I recall several years ago a friend of mine relying pretty heavily on a particular website for looking up old books and their potential value… Considering there are millions of different old books out there can anyone suggest a reliable website resource for finding the value of old books? Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions!!


asked over 13 years ago

Reputation: 199
See Alacrity's booth
6 Answers was recommended by an expert in my area. I find them very helpful.

answered over 13 years ago

I used so many Amazon, Bookfinder, Addall, Abe Book, Google but most are sellers like you asking a starting price then if don’t sell lower the price a little

answered over 13 years ago

I use , gives you a basic idea of prices..

answered over 13 years ago

In addition to the above, you can use
[URL removed] and
[URL removed]
check their out of print sections.

answered over 13 years ago

I use all of the above. Just keep in mind that prices at these sites are for books not yet sold. One piece of advice I got years ago is to ignore the lowball prices and those prices which seem ridiculously high and pick a price somewhere in the middle.

And, IMO, since Bonanza includes a link to Amazon on our listings, it’s wise to consider Amazon pricing above all else when you are deciding on your own selling price.

answered over 13 years ago

Thanks for all the help… perfect advice! Just what I needed.

answered over 13 years ago

Reputation: 199
See Alacrity's booth
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Viewed: 3235 times

Asked: over 13 years ago

Latest response: over 13 years ago

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