Ecommercebytes opens nominations for 2019 sellers choice awards

Nominations are now open for EcommerceBytes 10th annual “Sellers Choice” Marketplace Ratings Survey. Now is your chance to nominate your favorite marketplaces so you can vote for them when the polls open in January (accepting nominations through January 7th!

The nomination process is critical, since Sellers Choice allows sellers to rate the marketplaces on which they sell on key criteria, including profitability and ease of use.

Remember, this is the nomination process. The voting process will open on January 13, 2019.

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asked over 5 years ago

1 Answer


Last year I nominated and was unaware of the actual voting process. If you could, please post and let us know where to go for the voting process and as a reminder.



answered over 5 years ago

Question Vitals

Viewed: 1452 times

Asked: over 5 years ago

Latest response: over 5 years ago

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