Etsy import

I decided to import my items from Etsy.


I uploaded the CSV from Etsy.

Went to Bonanza and uploaded the file.

Now, when I go to my site on Bonanza it shows my old listing (17 items). I should have 35.

All of the pricing is wrong.

It shows free shipping on some items. I don’t offer free shipping.

I looks like I will have to relist every item separately.

There’s probably other problems but I just mentioned the ones I noticed right off the bat.

So, for now,I plan on putting my shop on hiatis until I have the time to rebuild my Bonanza site.

Very dissapointed.

Has anyone had this problem?

asked over 5 years ago

2 Answers

I do not know the format for a csv (column set-up) from etsy…but may have to check to see if the format is the same as the one from Bonz. The file has to be set up with certain columns and names for the import to Bonz to work

answered over 5 years ago

I imported the CSV from my Etsy shop. It took a while – was queued for a long time, but finally arrived. I still had to edit the listings to make sure they had prices, shipping, titles and anything else I wanted to edit. They each had to have a category and description. So some work, but worth it. I closed that Etsy jewelry shop and will list those things on Bonanza. What I do not understand and can’t find answer to is – when I make those edits, there are percentages that show up on the left side of the screen. What are these for? Do I only get a percentage of the sale, or does Bonanza send me a bill for the 3.5% fee?

answered over 5 years ago

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