Getting sales

I have had a booth for about a month and have not yet had sale. Several items have between 20 and 50 views. How long did it take before others started seeing sales

asked over 8 years ago

2 Answers

I saw a few of your items in google product search (Google shopping-GPS) so you have opted for the advertising option..(though I saw that there were over 50 of the same item there from various other places also..using the same stock photos…so lots of competition…might want to try to dress up those photos to make them stand out…personally I find stock photos a turn off…)

Have you promoted your booth in any way..tweeted, if you have a Facebook business page..use the bonz items app to list your items, do you have a pinterest board…

Unlike ebay/amazon, people do not come here to browse, they come here because they find your listings in searches and decide to visit…listing and waiting will not work for bonanza at this time…

IF you are listed somewhere else, then if your buyers find you there then they will not bother to come looking here..

Google likes good established first..1 month is hardly enough time to build a reputation…

Now to answer your [URL removed] my first booth (specialized items) took about a week, but that was only because a return buyer asked if I was going to list on ebay…and I said NO, and gave them my booth address…after that I had more sales here…

My second booth, a different kind of more general purpose booth, took about 6 months before it started receiving consistent sales…for some it never takes off, for others they do quite well…

My third booth never had consistency and I combined the items to another booth and closed it after about 18 months…

Good Luck
and Welcome to Bonanza

answered over 8 years ago

Reputation: 3068
See CindyBear's booth
I am relatively new here as well (about 4 months) BUT I AM A VETEREN OF ON-LINE SALES…..I have made one sale thus far after 2 1/2 months with 200 itemsin my both (now more). This is normal. I have sold and tested sites on the internet for 7 years and am familiar with computer algorithyms concerning sales….The computer site algorithyms of Bonanza has to, in short, get used to your being there. This takes months. I am not talking about taking months to go public, I am talking about how long it takes for the computer system of Bonanza (or any other site) to sort your stuff out to present it logicly on an on-going basis……the system has to compute how many items you have, how long have you been listing, how many times you refresh your items, how many times you add items, ect…… Once the Bonanza system algorithyms get your stuff sorted out , sales start coming in. More frequently too. Here is a tip I’ve found very [URL removed] Each day either add items or change something in the text of existing items (I do 5 item changes daily to every 100 items I sell). This reminds the algorithyms of your presence which in turn leads to more showings and to more sales.

answered over 8 years ago

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Viewed: 881 times

Asked: over 8 years ago

Latest response: over 8 years ago

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