Has anyone had issues with pictures not showing up when you share on your sm pages?

I’ve shared my listings on my social media pages and didn’t notice until yesterday that the picture is blank on each listing.

asked over 5 years ago

1 Answer

I have this problem all the time, especially with Twitter. I use the share button on the item page, and many times I do not get a picture. I’ll delete the tweet and try something else. I also have this problem, sometimes, when posting an item on a FB page. But on FB, I can go to my picture folder, find the item and post the picture. Then there are times I post on FB and I get a picture that isn’t even in my booth. It looks like something antique and perhaps a plate. Don’t know where that comes from. I’ve written Bonz support and either they didn’t understand what I was saying, or they don’t want to admit they have a problem. I also see people from eBay having the same problem on Twitter. Maybe it’s a twitter problem, but I can’t find where to notify them.

answered over 5 years ago


abigdogmom says: October 11, 2018

I also get the ‘plate’ picture no matter where I share my items (facebook, twitter, g+, weheartit)

DragonflyMemories says: October 15, 2018

none of my listing shows up on fb

DragonflyMemories says: October 15, 2018

I just tried copying my listing’s url and it works fine. I’m just going to do it that way.

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