How do i change my membership level

I am just realizing I never signed up for Advertising, so have done that. Now, I want to go from Gold level back to Basic (no upfront fees) and can’t figure out how to do that. If it is done by cancelling do I still have all my items listed, and will I keep the advertising level I selected? Thanks!

asked about 8 years ago

1 Answer

First of all, your membership (Gold, etc.) is separate from your advertising level. You can cancel the monthly membership plan (or wait until your yearly membership is up if you purchased a year up front) by going to the bottom of the membership page ([URL removed] and canceling.

Then, you can change your advertising level by going to [URL removed] (only visible to you when you are logged in) and select the desired advertising level.

Your items stay posted no matter what membership or advertising plan you are on. Canceling your membership should not change your current advertising plan.

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered about 8 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth


octobermoon47 says: May 09, 2016

I realize they are separate. I was asking if doing the Cancellation was the way to do it, and if so, if that would make the advertising level I had picked go away. Good to know – thank you much!

octobermoon47 says: May 09, 2016

Okay, the first link you posted showed me two places where I could choose to keep the membership plan I have. I don’t see a Cancel option.

octobermoon47 says: May 09, 2016

Why is this the response I get when I cancel? Your booth has been canceled. All items have been taken offline. Thank you very much for trying out Bonanza, etc. All items have been taken offline? I thought this wouldn’t affect that. I am big time confused.

MomentsInThyme says: May 09, 2016

Send an email to support. Hope you are able to retrieve your booth and listings back.

Ms_Prissys_Patterns says: May 10, 2016

You apparently canelled your booth & not your membership. Contact support to try to fix it.

octobermoon47 says: May 10, 2016

I just followed the steps to activate my booth and it didn’t ask me what level of membership I wanted, so maybe I’m set? (All my items are imported directly from eBay, btw.)

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Asked: about 8 years ago

Latest response: about 8 years ago

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